01 May 2018

A question about : Competency based interview?

I never have done competency based interviews, what is the best way to answer and deal with competency based interviews? Any tips would be helpful.

Thank you

Best answers:

  • There are number of threads for the same, I'd suggest a forum search first and if still any question it would be better to ask them
  • There's really no secret to them. You'll simply be asked for examples of when you've done something - and you need to answer that! So rather than "are you a team player?" you'll get a question like "tell me about a time when you've worked in a team". It's that simple.
    Always talk about what the situation was, what you did (use "I" not "we"), how you did it and what the outcome was.
    But any good interviewer / assessor will probe for more information anyway, so don't worry about trying to tell them the information all at once.
    If you have an interview coming up, good luck!
  • The kind of competencies they will be asking about will come straight off the job description and recruitment criteria. Look through them and prepare for likely questions - if one of the requirements for example is an ability to work under pressure, then they will ask in some form or other for an example of when you have had to work under pressure and how you coped.
  • I'm not a fan of them, but as I do more of them I'm getting better. Try using the STAR approach to answering them.
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