03 May 2018

A question about : Sensee ? [TEXT DELETED BY FORUM TEAM] company or not

I was just wondering if anyone had any experiance with the work from home company sensee?

I'm trying to find out some up to date information on them but everything seems years old and I can't seem to see anyone who has actually worked for them, just had interviews.

Best answers:

  • https://www.sensee.co.uk/
    they are an agency?
  • Yeah but I can't seem to find anyone who has recently been employed by them on the working from home jobs so I was just curious as I've read they keep your first week wage until you have finished your probation period.
    All I see when I google the reviews is how brilliant the company is to work for and no one actually working for them just endless interviews.
  • Why would anyone want to allow someone to keep their 1st weeks wage? Why would they not have confidence for people to not complete probations periods?
    That alone would spell out trouble ahead.
  • Would you want to work for a company that lies about its registered address and only lets you communicate with it via a web form?
    Or perhaps a company that hides its website registration details by pretending to be a non-trading individual?
    Not to mention its pitiful financial position.
  • I have been a long time lurker on the MSE forums and thought I'd register just to reply to this thread. (I used to work for the company)
    I can assure you that Sensee are not a scam. The reason why they keep the 1st week's wage is due to the fact that they put new employees through 4 weeks of online training. They keep the 1st week's wage as a retainer and pay it to you after you complete your probationary period. I was told that they did this because some people used to purposefully undergo the training and then quit.
    I worked for Sensee as a Home Call Centre Agent (the client was a well known catalogue order company). Overall, I thought the company was very good. Wages were paid on time through BACS etc.
    However, I decided to quit as I didn't feel the job was suited to me. I was getting depressed day-to-day answering calls (I had never worked in a call centre before) and felt a bit isolated from the outside world. I will never work in a call centre based job again, that's for sure; it just isn't for me.
    Feel free to ask any further questions.
  • Clearly you will be challenged about 1st post and trying to prove the company is not a scam.
    I still don't get why they need a retainer.. Surely if you were an established company with established means, you would put in a condition of the employment that if the person resigns from the position within x number of weeks then they will owe Y amount and then deduct from final payment?
    Anyway - I wouldnt work under these conditions..
  • Depth, there are some very knowledgeable people on this forum so it is worth sticking around. Be careful though, or you may end up addicted!
  • When I first joined, I read all the way through some boards: Up Your Income; Employment; Cutting Tax; Charities & Small Businesses; Internet Access... - now I get my daily fix.
    I am a sad person who needs to get a life!
    There are ex-HMRC people, lawyers, accountants, investment professionals and many others on here who give information for nothing. You can trust people with high post counts whose information is well-presented.
  • Im an ex-employee of Sensee, having found out about them on here - on the Up Your Income board.
    I worked for them for 10 months, finishing just over a year ago, for a well known high street/catalogue store, on their newly launched tv channel (I think that's enough hints, without naming them direct. lol)
    Basically it was a sales role, however there was no hard sales involved. I didn't have to talk people into buying extra items that bore no relation to their purchases (unlike some sales roles I had read up on, and knew wasn't for me). We did have to offer additional breakdown/accidental damage cover on certain items, but again didn't have to give the hard sell.
    Of course that was then, it could be different now, and could be for a different client/role.
    Wages were never an issue, always paid on time, and wage slips usually arrived a day or two before payday. Yes, the first week's training money was held back for 3 months, but it was paid as promised - I was prepared for a fight on my hands when they "forgot" to pay up, but thankfully this never happened.
    On the whole I enjoyed it; mind you, I was nightshift, and basically got paid [extra] to spend my night chatting to colleagues on the live desk (a bit like a forum, but used for asking questions when you had customers on the phone, or for chatting on when quiet), so my experience was a lot different to the dayshift staff who were taking back to back calls each shift.
    At the time it suited my circumstances, and I'm glad I did it, as it got me back into the working life again after a long period of absence.
    Positives I can think of (again might not be relevant to the OP, but just my findings); apart from the initial outlay as I needed to buy a Voip headset & webcam for the interviews (didn't have either before), and the telephone with headset, I didn't have any work related costs each month i.e. travel expenses, workwear, shelling out for the office lottery sindicate, sponsor sheets, leaving presents, works nights out... etc etc
    Got me back into work, which was a Godsend at the time, and gave me the confidence to apply for jobs back in the '3d' world.
    As Depth of Field has pointed out though; it was very isolating, as you don't have the face to face contact with colleagues that you get in the '3d world' of work.
    Other negatives I can think of; if your phone/broadband goes haywire, and you can't work, then no wages. This happened to a guy I worked with, his exchange was vandalised (stealing the copper wire??) and he lost 3 weeks wages as a result, waiting for this to be fixed & his phoneline reinstated.
    Ohh, and fighting for shifts each week (again, this didn't affect me as I had static shifts). I remember some of the guys I worked with were struggling to book their hours each week. One girl in particular was working between 8am - 10pm, 7 days a week, just to get her 40 hours in each week. If you don't get your shifts booked within a nano-second of them being released (and this quite often didn't happen at the planned times), it seems you'd really struggle.
    Obviously I can't say if it's a good job or not, that's up to the individual to decide, however, I can confirm that it is a genuine company & not a scam.
  • I currently work for Sensee and have done for the last 2 years.
    It is a real company that offers homeworking solutions that benefit both the public offering job opportunities to those who may find it difficult otherwise and also Sensees clients by offering Ad-hoc cover when needed.
    In order to work for Sensee you need to be able to provide a secluded home office, A desktop PC, wired internet connection, a dedicated land line (dedicated during working hours) a headset and telephone that is compatible. Also for coaching etc a webcam and voip headset.
    It is a fully employed position and you are paid per hour. You book your hours in advance (2-3 weeks depending on the contract) and it is 1st come first served basis however you are alway guaranteed enough hours to meet your contract. Contracts are generally around 20 hours per week but some are up to 40, and you can also book overtime (Unlike some other home working companies that keep you as self employed and no guaranteed hours).
    You must work your minimum contracted hours each week however you can book holidays and be paid for them. Yes you are responsible for your own downtime and would not be paid for this, you do have the opportunity to make the time up elsewhere in the week. Your equipment and connections are your responsibility.
    Sensee have a number of different contracts, most are for inbound calls so no cold calling or selling as such.
    You are essentially at home on your own but there are always a number of people working at the same time and we use a 'Live Desk' which is used for support and also socialising, we also have team rooms, basically they are live chat rooms with support.
    Weekly coaching session etc, training is fully provided and yes they do retain the first 2 weeks of training for 3 months, this is to cover the training costs if you drop out, but stay for 3 months and you are paid it. (I also used to work for ASDA who retained a portion of my wages until such time as I left, I left after 10 years of service and got that back so this is not unusual).
    Take a look on Youtube under senseerecruitment for some further information and search on Google for sensee homeworking
    Sensee have also won a number of awards and been nominated for more.
    If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask.
  • Mmmmmm
    Two different people who are both new to the site have worked for the same company.
    Coincidence or what
  • Lol, I was looking for something else related to Sensee when I came across this forum, you need to join to reply so I did.
    And I still work for them.
  • Yes but what is it that you do for them? No good saying 'offers homeworking solutions that benefit both the public offering job opportunities to those who may find it difficult otherwise and also Sensees clients by offering Ad-hoc cover when needed.'
  • I am a manager on one of the contracts, the contract I work opn takes inbound calls and emails dealing with home deliveries, booking in deliveries, arranging replacements, sending spare parts etc. We also have other contracts that deal with insurance and also printing services etc so it is pretty much all inbound call work.
    With regards to Ad-hoc for the client they may have issues in their call centres with systems etc and we can add staffing to assist and ensure a consistent service.
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