01 May 2018

A question about : Pay deduction!


I have a question about a pay deduction I got on my most recent payslip...

During the course of my work last month I broke a wall plug, a general white, plastic white plug probably worth a maximum of Ј3.

For that the employer deducted Ј25!! Although in my contract is saying:


In accordance with the Wages Act 1986 or further legislation superseding the said Act, the Company reserves the right, in the event of losses directly or indirectly associated with your actions, stock deficiencies or money shortages to deduct a sum equal to the said loss, deficiency or shortage from your pay, provided each deduction does not exceed 10% of your gross pay payable on that date. Any deduction so made will be made no later than 12 months after the deficiency has been established.

Where did they get the Ј25? Can they do this?

As a note, don't see this workplace as your average workplace. This is by far the worst I've ever been, it's an hotel and the owner manages it directly and as you can see they try any way to squeeze money. Either from employers or guests. E.g. If you smoke in the room they will tell you it's a non smoking hotel and charge you Ј50.

As an example, my girlfriend was deducted Ј400+ for 1 week training costs because she left before 3 months of working here, even so, she only was 1 day on training.

So my question is basically if this Ј25 is legal? Can they just arrive to this amount with no proof of receipt whatsoever? Thank you in advance.

Dont know if relevant but:

Your rate of pay will be Ј 6.50 PER HOUR excluding breaks which are unpaid.
Your normal hours of work will be AS REQUIRED excluding 20 minute breaks every 6 hours, which are unpaid and do not count as part of your hours of work.

Best answers:

  • The plug itself may only have been Ј3, but there's no magical plug fairies to put the new one on. The bulk of the cost will no doubt be justified as labour costs of the installer.
  • Be happy with the Ј25, and let it go.
    Do you know the call out charge for an electrician?
    You have been let off lightly IMO,
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