17 Jun 2015

A question about : Balance Transfer questions

Hi guys and gals

I currently have around Ј5100 on a Barclaycard and Ј300 on a Lloyds card, paying the minimum (~160) on the former and Ј100 on the latter. I was thinking of balance transferring the Barclaycard so that my payments are at least clearing some of the debt and not just covering the interest*.

Using the eligibility tool on this very website, Barclaycard are the highest eligibility card that I can get, apart from CapitalOne which only lasts 6 months (Barclaycard has 30+months). I assume that I can't apply for another Barclarcard to transfer over, but can someone confirm that this is the case?

Moving down into the 50% eligibilty cards, Halifax and Bank of Scotland seems reasonable (Lloyds is also available but would be a similar situation to the Barclaycard). Obviously though, my chances of being successful in an application would be much lower.

I currently also have a 5000 loan from Sainsbury's for a car, which I am paying off 230 a month, with around 18 months to go.

So my question is, what should I do? title=Big or more specifically, can I transfer from a Barclaycard to another Barclaycard? If not, should I risk an application to Halifax or would getting turned down impact on my credit report too much for it to be worthwhile? Are there any other avenues I could pursue?

Thank you

*In a couple of months the Lloyds will be paid off, so I can move the 100 I pay to that towards the Barclaycard as well.

Best answers:

  • To get a promotional rate you can only transfer debt from another bank onto the card so if you were to get another Barclaycard you could only BT the Ј300 of Lloyds debt onto it at the preferential rate.
    If you want to transfer both onto one card then it'll have to be outside of Lloyds and Barclaycard.
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