03 Mar 2018

A question about : Cashback Credit Card Discussion Area

If you want to ask a question or discuss cashback cards please reply to this message. !(this relates to the following article - click here)

Please note the article was updated on 20 June 04, so some of the earlier discussions below may no longer be relevant.

PS I am especially interested in feedback on the Bank of Ireland Card for those who sign up and try it - as this is a new recommendation from me.

Best answers:

  • Amex Blue have a 5% cashback offer for the first month - see this thread.
  • True - unfortuantely that isnt the standard offer - its a special one - though via the link in that thread you can get it.
    The equations simple - if you have a big purchase to make - go for the 5% in month one deal. Though do note - there is a limit (from memory only) of Ј50 extra cashback with that deal (i should really check that before i write it here, but with the server being upgraded, can't quite do it this second - sorry)
  • Amex have a platinum Credit Card that offers up to 2% cash back if you spend more than Ј5000 but it is less if you dont make the Ј5K
    An annual rebate on the aggregate amount of all Transactions (other than the exclusions stated above) will be payable to you by us at the following rates:
    0.5% for aggregate amounts up to Ј2,000; and
    1% for aggregate amounts from Ј2,001 to Ј5,000; and
    2% for aggregate amounts in excess of Ј5,000
  • Thats a cracking spot. !I must admit as a general rule i avoid the higher income Plat card offerings from general pieces.
    I knew about that card, but had been told it was only a direct mail offer - i didnt know they were now accepting invites on their website. !
    It's a cracking deal in the long run for anyone spending over Ј6000 a year on the card. !Though for anyone around the limits better off sticking with standard Blue Amex
    (bonus kudos points to you )
  • I may have misunderstood, as T&c's are not my thing but the I understood it to be, if you cleared Ј5K then they give you 2% on the total spend for the year? But if you only spend between Ј2001 to Ј5000 only 1% on the total spend.
    John ???
  • I don't know if it's worth mentioning, but all the cards mentioned in Martin's article (except the Circle One rebate card) are available through GreasyPalm.
    Make sure you click on the moneysupermarket links to get to the providers website first to pay Martin's fees (it doesn't matter that you don't apply) and then go to GreasyPalm and apply through there and you will get the following
    Amex Blue Ј12.50 cashback for instant acceptance
    Accucard Ј6 cashback for application
    EasyMoney Ј12.50 cashback for instant acceptance (reduces to Ј2.50 if further checks are required)
    More Th>n Ј12.50 cash for instant acceptance (reduces to Ј3.50 if further checks are required)
    Unfortunately I signed up to two of these cards before I knew about GreasyPalm, so missed out on Ј25 :'(
    If you're not a member of GreasyPalm be aware that they will not send you a cheque until you have Ј25 worth of cashback.
  • Tried to upgrade from a Blue Amercian Credit Card to the Platinum Credit Card. Was told like Martin said it is by invitation only.
    Lady on the phone ask me to called between 9am and 5pm, speak to the application department to see if I qualify. So will call tomorrow to try to get the 2% as I always spent more than Ј5000 per year.
  • When I called I was told to apply on the web using the link, this then allows you to print off an application form that has to be sent back to Amex, you dont know if you are accepted at this point.
    I am still waiting to hear
  • I was offered the Plat credit card, As far as Im aware its completely FOC (i use an amex charge for work) so get away with the fee.
    I didnt realise they offered 2% cash back, I easily spend too much, but dont quite understand the rules... If my understanding is correct, If I spend over 5k per year, Ill get 2% on the final balance in cash back? is this right... If so, Im putting a call in first thing.
    Thanks for pointing this out!
  • Almost Nigel. !IT is tiered. !So you only earn 2% on spending above Ј5000, for the first Ј2,000 spending it is 0.5% for Ј2k to Ј5k it is 1%. !Hence it is only better than a 1% on all spend card for more than Ј7000
    Either way if you spend more than Ј6k - go for it!
  • Martin
    I live right down south and I am just buying a house. Am I able to put the cash that I have onto one of these cash back credit card then when I Spend the Ј15 grand for solicitors and 10% of my mortgage will, I still receive the money back even though I have put the money on there first? ???
    Great article keep up the good work your saving me loads on my gas and electric and every penny count on your first house right
  • In my experience you don't receive cashback if your balance is in credit above your limit. This has happened to me with Morgan Stanley and Halifax.
    Have you checked with your solicitor that you can pay the bill and deposit with a credit card? Mine wouldn't let me, it was cash, bankers cheque or electronic transfer.
    If they do let you pay by credit card I wouldn't be surprised if they add a few percent on top.
  • I got an Amex Blue ages ago (thanks to Martin) and they sent me through a form to upgrade to the Platinum card. Which I did. It's easy to spend over Ј5k if all spending goes on the card. So roll on that 2% cash -back.
  • Hi Martin. At last got to the web page! I have used a Morgan Stanley Platignum card for a long time now and am more than happy, I have found them to be friendly & efficient. I always pay off the balance by DD and every October get a nice cheque Ј3/400.
    Regards - John Patrick.
  • Hi
    Can someone clarify the Amex 2% cashback, their websites states
    "An annual rebate on the aggregate amount of all Transactions (other than Cash Withdrawals) will be payable to you by us at the following rates:
    - 0.5% for aggregate amounts up to Ј2,000; and
    - 1.0% for aggregate amounts from Ј2,001 to Ј5,000; and
    - 2% for aggregate amounts in excess of Ј5,000

    What does aggregate mean, I assume it means that if you spend over Ј5000 in the year you will get 2%, or do you only get 0.5% on the first Ј2000 & 1.0 on the next 2001 to 5000.
  • Karl,
    I understand it like this:
    Spend Ј2000 you get Ј10 (0.5% of Ј2k)
    Go on spending up to Ј5000 you will get Ј30 (1% of Ј3k)
    So you would get Ј40 for Ј5000 spend (or 0.8%)
    Then anything over Ј5000 starts to earn 2%. Spend Ј10000 then you will earn Ј100 cash back (2% of Ј5k)
    That's how i'm playing it (but I could have it completely wrong).
  • Talking about cashback cards do egg still give you 0.5% back on their cards?
  • Yup. Paid in September if I remember correctly.
  • There is also Barclaycard Choice. But I don't think it's generally available.
    If you've had a barclaycard forever, attempt to cancel to go to a cashback card and say nectar is rubbish, they may offer it. :-/
    It's 0.5% up to 4k and 1% after that. There doesn't appear to be an upper limit. The cashback rates double for non-GBP transactions.
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