24 Feb 2018

A question about : New to CC 0% Balance Transfers

Are 0% credit card balance transfers worth considering?

I have a total of around 9,000.00 on two credit cards, consistently pay more than the minimum payment and have a good credit record, and could clear the debt in around 30 months without the interest payments, but am a bit reluctant of the idea of transferring so much debt into one card. I've checked Martin's soft-search score and would likely be accepted for some of the better offers, but am still uncertain of what feels like a massive move title=Eusa

Are they valuable to consider? Has anyone on here had success with them which they'd be willing to share and explain?

Also, can anyone advise if a transfer of approx 9k from two cards onto one is acceptable? It seems unclear if you can transfer balances from more than one card, or if there is a limit on what you can transfer. Sorry for being dense with it, but pretty much new to trying to get a hold of my finances.

Best answers:

  • If I were you i'd get them both onto one card if you can and close the other two accounts. Surely paying one card rather than two is better? I currently have around the same amount on two cards and next January my plan is to get a 0% balance transfer card with a low fee to transfer them both over to.
    If you can clear the debts as is in 30 months with interest added then surely if you have a 0% interest card you can clear it quicker? There's some great deals just now with 34 months etc
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