23 Feb 2018

A question about : Halifax Clarity card questions

I have just activated my Clarity credit card which I have got in preperation for my holiday in May but I need a few questions answering to help me have a hassle free holiday.
1. How long does it take for a payment/cash withdrawal made on the card to appear on my online account?
2. How long does it take for a payment made TO clear the balance to clear?
The reason I ask is...
We are going to Spain for 2 weeks May into June and have approx Ј1000 of accomadation to pay when we arrive and I will want to withdraw approx Ј1400 cash whilst we are there. The money is sat in a savings account now, ready for the holiday. But my credit limit is only Ј1600. If I pay the Ј1000 and straight away clear the balance will I then be able to withdraw cash the same day? Or am I best taking Ј800 in euros or on a prepay card to tide me over?

Best answers:

  • Should be available to you to withdraw as soon as it clears, which is usually instantly.
  • I will see how long it takes to clear with uk payments and hope it works the same with the euro. Is it worth advising the bank when I am travelling so they dont stop the card?
    I'm hoping the exchange rate keeps going the way it is. It will make it a much cheaper holiday if it does.
  • Do you really need to withdraw so much cash? I hate having cash sitting around on holidays and therefore I just withdraw a couple of hundred in local currency for where I cant use the card and then just withdraw more if needed, saves bringing unused cash home, I then pay for items on the card, i.e meals out, shopping etc where accepts card.
  • i activated a clarity card in December for a break in NYC..
    Transactions appeared online within 1 to 5 days. if taking cash from ATMs you will be charged interest immediately on this until you clear the cash balance. You can overcome this by pre loading money onto your card thus increasing the credit limit.
    i paid everything with the card (within reason) meals, shopping and attractions. I Was charged for withdrawals from the machines but nothing for a regular transaction.
    you can pay your card off at any Halifax branch, it will be credited to your account the next day.
    Give the dates you are away they will put them in the system.
    BEST card i have ever had, paid off in full on my return with no additional charges.
    Its now tucked safely away till my next holiday abroad.:-)
  • rsooty, you can confirm what is in my post by speaking to a member of staff at any branch.
    Yorkshire boy, you can put money onto the card prior to using it, then when you withdraw at ATMs its your own money so you won't incur charges.
  • Hi all,
    You can't put the clarity card in credit this is called pre loading and Ia against the T&Cs as quoted above.
    You are charged interest on purchases from the day it's posted onto your credit card account with the exception of ATM withdrawals which interest is charged as soon as you remove the cash from the ATM.
    In regard to paying off the balance shortly after a ATM withdrawal as mentioned you may find your payment is processed within two hours and if this is the only transaction on the card at the time it will put the card in credit till the transaction is applied to the credit card account.'
    Hope this helps to clear up some issues.
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