28 Feb 2018

A question about : Nationwide select credit card

i am recovering from a credit nightmare from 10 years ago and have a current account with nationwide with a recent Ј500 overdraft, never been in it or overdrawn since having the account from June 2014.

I have a Barclaycard initial with Ј250 limit always paid in full before direct debit is taken out and a vanquis same limit never had a direct debit taken as always clear it on pay day.

Long and short is we are taking a holiday to Florida this year and I wanted a card safe to take with no load fee. I applied for the nationwide select credit card which only current account customers can apply for. Got approved in principle for 19.9 apr with a credit limit of Ј2500.

I do have 2 5 year old CCjs to a total of Ј150 but no other marks on my score

Just wondered the likelyhood of this being successful?!

Thanks in advance

Best answers:

  • I found Nationwide a pain tbh I was with them for 15 years with a basic account which was run fairly well & tried to "upgrade" to a FlexPlus account only to be turned down as not judged suitable. Applied for a Halifax Ultimate Reward account & was approved & open within a week followed up by a Barclaycard Platinum 34 month b/t when 6 months ago they also turned me down even for the Barclaycard Initial. Strange how they work although I'm starting to think the years of getting things straight are paying off at last.
  • why speculate when you can know in quite a short time?
  • Just curious to be honest, I don't want to apply for others but we are trying to be organised for our holiday
  • They don't accept applicants with CCJS..
  • If that ends up unsuccessful, Aqua has a couple of cards Reward and Advance with no extra loading for foreign transactions
    If even that is declined, look at prepaid debit cards. I prefer Kalixa as it has a better exchange rate than the others, and for all currencies not specialised for just dollars or Euros.
  • I have always found Nationwide one of the easiest institutions to get credit from.
  • The CCjs are in their last year and I have a Ј500 overdraft with them already so I guess we shall wait and see
  • Just spoke with them and the account has been opened :-)
  • Would have been easier to keep checking online. I applied on Wednesday and it was showing in my online accounts by Saturday. Like the cash back and overseas benefit.
    Also able to get Ј25 cashback if you apply via quidco.
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