21 Feb 2018

A question about : Can I Transfer my Balance to a Family Member's Credit Card?


I am currently out of work, and have a credit card balance of around 2700 on an interest free card.

The interest free period will run out in next couple of months. A family member has offered to help me, and apply for another interest free card, in order to transfer the balance.

The question is, would I even be allowed to transfer the balance, if the new card is not in my name?


Best answers:

  • I know a family member that has done this so it is possible. But bear in mind that it is then their debt, so you would need to keep on top of payments and pay as much as possible each month.
  • Thanks for the responses, yes I'm very aware it would become their debt, so will try avoid doing it all.
  • They, not you can do it easily and Barclaycard now do a 3 year 0% deal.
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