26 Feb 2018

A question about : capital one credit classic limit increases please input feedback

hey guys just doing some research

capital one say they will increase there limit after the 4th statement which alot of people have confirmed what im trying to find out is whether they increase it again if so please include

1......after how long
2......by how much
3......how many increases

thanks for the input and please vote on you initial credit limt

Best answers:

  • I'll go and check my statements and come back with an answer for you.
  • thanks gomer i think this thread could help alot of the newer customers
  • 1......after how long 12 Months
    2......by how much £1000
    3......how many increases Only one so far
    I've had my card over 2 years now & the original limit was £1000. I have had no further increase since 12 months but that's probably based on my own individual spending habits - i am verrrrry careful with money.
    ETA: Just voted.
  • Original limit £1100, increased to £1300 after three months and increased again to £2300 after 18 months.
  • thank for voting guys hope this thread grows into a fountain of knowledge
  • It will be interesting to see the different starting limits because i've never been able to work out how they decide what to give you. They knew i was out of work when they started me at Ј1000 but i knew people in work who applied at the same time who were started on Ј500. Work that one out?? :confused:
  • i have just been accepted this is why i started this thread to see where my card may end up i earn Ј25000 pa but have 1 satisfied ccj and they give me a limit of Ј100 so want as many tips to increase it quickly as it could be a good tool towards a 0% when ccj falls off
  • ive just logged into my C1 Account to pay my bill due on 17th and on the page it says. [ We are currently unable to process debit card payments. Please refer to the FAQ's for alternative payment methods. ]
    Anyone else know if there having payment problems ?? i cannot see anything in the FAQ,s thats relivant to the message.
    ive been with them 2 years and have £2000 CL now.
  • Hi!
    Great thread My starting limit was Ј1000, it got increased on the 4th statement to Ј1600 . A few satisfied defaults on my file, but in full time employment on Ј31k. I'd be interested to see when the next increase is??
  • Hey Darcy boy! My starting limit was Ј200 and increased to Ј500 last year, no ore out them though, they are renound for one-off increases then that is your lot mate.
  • Hi there
    Starting limit Ј500 increased to Ј1100 after 4 months.
  • started at Ј200 and then in January , I got my 4th month increase to Ј500 and thats it!
  • thanks guys keep them coming
  • hi darcy,
    i got 100 start limit, increased on 4th statement to 300, nothing since, i rang yesterday to request/ask for limit increase they said they dont give them by requests you have to wait until they periodically look at your account , when asked when those periodic reviews are the guy said i dont know, it may never be looked at!!! hmmm i am considering closing it to be honest. also on another note paid mine this month only needed to pay 14 quid odd, always pay by debit card online but had problems, said it hadnt gone through did it again and got same message on checking my account it was infact deducted from my debit card twice they say they havnt got it but it is there in black and white payment to capital one (europe), so im in a wrangle with them now!!!
    im not too happy with them at all at the moment, and to be honest the 300 credit limit with no idea if ever it will be increased isnt too good either.
    i had one settled default on my file settled for 4 yrs when i eventually got accepted.
  • Would be interesting to know if the people who have had decent increases pay their accounts in full each month or just minimum.
    On the one hand paying in full means you can afford it but on the other just paying minimum makes them money.......which do they prefer?!
  • Initial limit Ј200 upped it to Ј500 after 4 months. I am a charge and pay off type of girl, Ј140 ish of petrol a month always paid in full.
    I have far too many searches on my file to consider applying elsewhere for 12+months so I am just waiting it out.
  • I got one with a £500 limit, wasn't worth it so cancelled soon after.
    £500 is nothing when used for monthly spending.
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