24 Feb 2018

A question about : Egg Policy Change ?

Just had a letter from Egg today (followed by an uninformative phone conversation). Theyre ending my use of my card with them, after 10? years based on credit profile of this account...

The problem is my credit rating from Experian is excellent, Ive never missed a payment with them and I pay off the debt each month....so wheres the problem?

The only thing I can think of is that they tell me this decision follows Citibanks takeover of Egg.

Could it be that Citibank are simply wanting to rid themselves of customers that do not earn them interest on their accounts?

Id be interested in any thoughts or similar experiences.


Best answers:

  • I recently phoned Egg to discuss the possibility of a deal on a balance transfer (The card is empty, 3,000 limit). I have been with Egg for 4 years and feel i have been a good customer. Their was no offer avalible so i asked to cancel the account. Most companies (and Egg in the past) fight to keep customers with their retention department (Got a great offer from Mint this way) but on this occasion Egg didn't seem to care and closed the account straight away! I also have an Egg Money Card which i have now cleared and will try the same with that one although i suspect it will be cancellation again.
  • [quote=sds1pg;8333351]Just had a letter from Egg today (followed by an uninformative phone conversation). Theyre ending my use of my card with them, after 10? years based on "credit profile of this account"...
    The problem is my credit rating from Experian is excellent, Ive never missed a payment with them and I pay off the debt each month....so wheres the problem?
    The only thing I can think of is that they tell me this decision follows Citibanks takeover of Egg.
    Could it be that Citibank are simply wanting to rid themselves of customers that do not earn them interest on their accounts?
    Id be interested in any thoughts or similar experiences.
    What a relief to read this. I had the same letter this morning and phoned egg to register my suprise. In fairness I did speak to a very nice man who seemed slightly embarrassed by the situation. I got the same sort of reply, Citibank had reviewed accounts etc., I have been making overpayments for the last year by montly fixed amounts and had recently changed this amount so that the card would be paid off with the next two payments. Also have a five year loan with them that will be paid off Dec 08 (hooray!) which I have never missed a payment on. Anyway he said he would make a note of my comments on my file and I am now in the process of closing my egg savings account, only wish I could afford to pay off the loan and deny them of the next 11 months interest.
  • Interesting post. I've not had any communications from Egg regarding this, but maybe I will soon. I have an outstanding balance on my card which I'm slowly reducing, so it will be interesting to see what happens.
  • Interesting thread.... OH and I both have Egg cards..... I had previously used mine to take advantage of 0% deals, but now have a small balance which is earning Egg interest.... OH has a much bigger balance that is earning them interest, but has not had the card for very long (since about Nov I think) I will be interested to see if we also recieve these...
    Still gonna apply for Egg Money tho, as YB said, its a very useful card to have....
  • I have received the same letters as other alledging poor credit profile for the account. I pay full amount monthly and have never missed a payment. This is the real reason for Egg (Citi Bank) cancelling because it is not a profitable account for them. See below:
    "Egg Banking to end customer agreements for part of credit card portfolio"
    If the article is correct its affecting 20% of accounts
  • Me too - I've had this letter which sounds quite insulting. I paid my card off in full last year and only used it 2 weeks ago in an emergency. Its handy to have but we are obviously not profiting the company by not using the card - hence they don't want to have us as customers. The letter is implying that I am in a high risk category which I know I am not. If they don't want my custom then I will take it somewhere else.
  • [quote=sds1pg;8333351]Just had a letter from Egg today (followed by an uninformative phone conversation). Theyre ending my use of my card with them, after 10? years based on "credit profile of this account"...
    The problem is my credit rating from Experian is excellent, Ive never missed a payment with them and I pay off the debt each month....so wheres the problem?
    The only thing I can think of is that they tell me this decision follows Citibanks takeover of Egg.
    Could it be that Citibank are simply wanting to rid themselves of customers that do not earn them interest on their accounts?
    Id be interested in any thoughts or similar experiences.
    Ditto - Also got the same letter this morning - had the card for 8 years - no arrears in payments- they have escalated my 'complaint'.
  • Could I ask please, that when people report they've received the letter they say which card it releates to, ie the Egg Card (Visa) or Egg Money card (Mastercard)?
  • Egg Visa Card..
  • Reading this thread has put my mind at rest I also received the same letter this morning and phoned them only to be told they had done a credit check etc... I haven't used my card in a while and when I used it last month I paid it off in full before any interest was charged. This prompted me to check my credit report which is just fine. I found the letter quite upsetting
  • I can't tell you how relieved I am to read this thread. I received the same letter this morning and like the previous poster found it quite upsetting. I've been a customer for about 8 years now (Egg Card - Visa) and like others here have never defaulted on a payment. When I phoned Egg, the man I spoke to wasn't at all helpful. He said that no-one at Egg would be able to discuss the details with me and when I asked to take it further, he said that I would get the same response whomever I spoke to. He never mentioned the Citibank takeover or change of policy. Rather, he said I should check my credit record as there may be something adverse on there that was outside of my Egg account. I explained that it was unlikely as I never default on any payments, but I have signed up with Experian to double check anyway. I pressed to escalate it as I said I felt I'd been treated very badly. No-one has called me to discuss my account in the past and they've more than happy to try and foist extra credit on me up until very recently! Anyway, someone is supposed to be calling me from Customer Relations within 5 working days.
    I'm still in disbelief to be honest at the dreadful way they've gone about this. If they were honest about the real reason (i.e. the takeover, policy reviews etc.) I wouldn't feel so bad but being made to feel like a bad debtor when I'm not really riles me. I do have an outstanding balance with them so won't be able to get shut of them immediately, but I'll be seeking to pay it off as quickly as possible so I can move on from this sorry episode.
  • Same letter arrived here this morning.
    Had the card around 5 years .. spent around £3000 , used the card last month for £500 ( First time in 6 months balance was £0 ) and made a one of payment last week of £100 then recieved notifacation of closure of the account. Never failed to make min payments so found it a bit bizarre that there closing it.
    Shame really as its the only CC i have
  • DuWolf
    Would you mind saying if it's Egg Visa or Egg Money (Mastercard), please?
    Thanks very much.
  • So what happens if you have a balance on your Credit Card, are you supposed to pay it all off in one go?
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