24 Feb 2018

A question about : GE '3%' Cashback Card

Full details of this new card are in the Best Cashback Card Article.


Best answers:

  • I applied for on Sunday and got a 'yes' within a few hours. I am doing 1000 miles a week at the moment so this will come in quite handy
  • wow.... almost unblieveable
  • Hi All,
    That does look good, am I missing it or is no online access for any GE Money accounts?
    May well apply for this for food, keep egg money for everything else! - I would like online access though!
  • I have applied for one (the everyday card) and I will let you know how I get on..
    Please note everyone that they also have another card, the transformation card that has 0% on balance transfers for a year and 0% on ppurchases for a year
    here is the direct link for info but go via Martins link (If it makes a difference I don't know)
  • https://www.gemoney.co.uk/html/credit...l#cashBackWork
  • I applied on Friday, and on Sunday received a refusal notification. Bit annoying as I don't see myself as having any problems on my credit rating and have been accepeted for other cards, e.g. Nectar Amex and Morgan Stanley Platinum.
  • This card looks perfect for me. As most of my spending is on food this should beat using a 0% card for normal spending
    eg yearly spend ~£1k
    stooze interest at 4% net on £500 av balance = £20
    cashback on £1000 is £30 tax free
    I am just worried about
    a) a rejection if they are very choosy. I don't mind not getting it, but it might affect my next application, right?
    b) can anyone confirm whether the cards are 'online' for payments and statements?
  • Applied for one last week and was accepted within 24 hours - now awaiting for the card etc through the post.
    not sure how they know what qualifys for food as most supermarkets sell all sorts of stuff these days - still will no doubt will find out when I use it ? :-)
  • ffacoffipawb, perhaps it is because you look remarkably like a (reformed) criminal. Good luck with that list!
  • I just processed my application ( just missed the 4pm deadline for same day processing) , I have a very good " credit rating" , and for this type of card would not care if limit was as low as £1000 ( as would repay fully each month) BUT I am stoozing a fair bit at moment & I wonder if that will go against me- will report back on decision.
  • I applied last Tuesday
    Friday had heard no reply other than 1st e mail so wrote and said I have an excellent credit rating and am happy to take it elsewhere - got a reply within 2 hours accepting it
    Wonder what credit pointing system they use as some of u guys should have been accepted really
  • I am not prepared to put all the details but I put down a six figure household income and got turned down.
    I have done a bit of stoozing and been a bit of a tart but last card was opened in February (3 months ago) so I don't think it's too bad.
    My credit score is about 875 out of 1000 which I think is pretty good.
    Going to see if my husband gets one as he has been less of a tart than me and earns more.
  • I have had this reply
    Thank you for applying for a GE Money Credit Card.
    We are now processing your application and will get back to you with an answer via email. Look out for an email from the GE Money Applications Team!
    If you are submitting your application between Monday and Friday, 9 am to 4 pm, we will respond with a decision within 10 minutes. At any other times, we will respond to you on the next business day.
    If you have any questions about the GE Money Credit Card, please call us on 0870 126 2665.
    The GE Money Applications Team

    Will be mega pi**ed off if dont get approved as have no credit problems. Do you think Bargain Booze will count as groceries?
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