22 Feb 2018

A question about : SBT Cards

Are there any new cards to do SBTs with on the market. Does anyone know of any others apart from Mint and Egg? Just finished with these two and none of my others do SBTs without incurring charges for them.
Other cards maxed out (for free cash - not debt).

Best answers:

  • One way of doing this is by doing a balance transfer directly to your Egg card (so it has a positive balance), and then balance transfer this out to a current account as soon as it arrives. You probably don't want to push this too high (or do it too often) because of potential money laundering trigger points.
    If they question it, just tell them you made a mistake with the destination for the transfer. The worst that can happen is that they will bounce it back to the source card.
  • Didn't mention MBNA Free to current account on any transfers made in the initial period (up to 12 month) and may be charged a fee thereafter (The fee tends to be capped at Ј35, so this is still good value if transferring larger amounts). Not a 'new' card extacly - but it is one that you can keep applying for under its various 'brands' (up to 6 'concurrent' accounts are allowed, I have read here)
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