31 Jan 2018

A question about : Severe work related stress (call centre)

Thanks for the advice

Best answers:

  • Ask for a window seat, imagine those customers removed and it becomes another form of misery - never thought I'd say that coming from dealing with swearing customers but it become more of a saviour then I appreciated
    I would say go to see your doctor and find out what they can refer you for as we're not allowed to mention medical stuff here really, apparently Mind is a good service to approach and remember to treat yourself every now and then xx
  • For the stressful customers can you pretend the whole thing is a role playing exercise?
  • I done the same job for 6 and a half years. To be honest, with the shouters and swearers, I think you just get used to it and need to tell yourself it's nothing personal. As for stats, what ones are causing issues? Quality? Call Habdling Times? Do you have regular performance discussions? Could you ask for a mentor/buddy to help you?
    I would be speaking to a doctor before your employer. Once you have more info from the doctor then talk to them.
  • Can I just comment on how rude it is to post a question and remove it when answered? This forum is for everyone - if you delete your question, future posters cannot refer to it and learn from the people who have been generous enough to answer it.
  • It is a constant entertainment to me that some people do this, and others take serious offence when respondents quote their first post in full to prevent this very thing.
    It does seem to me that if you post for advice on a public forum, you sign up to showing your problem to others.
    Anyway, OT - apologies!
  • OP. I bet they have an employee assistance programme. It will be a confidential helpline you can call. external counselling etc will be available so why not look on their intranet etc for the number and call them.
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