31 Jan 2018

A question about : Employment & Jobseeking USEFUL LINKS

The following links may prove useful in looking for information about Employment and Jobseeking.

MSE Fully Researched Guides

Low Income Grant Grabbing

House and Energy Grant Grabbing

Great Grants Hunt


................Shelter...................... Cruse - bereavement support

Women's Aid............... National Debtline ..........Mind - Mental Health

Hideout For children & young people experiencing domestic violence

MensAdviceLine For support for male victims of domestic violence contact M.A.L.E. (Men's Advice Line and Enquiries), P.O. Box 402, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 3TG (0208 644 9914).

BBC website re domestic violence

Homeless UK Lots of useful links too

Parentline Scotland

Refuge - Domestic Violence Helpine

Refugee-action Help for Refugees and Assylum Seekers

Refugee Council

Safe Harbor - Compulsive Gamblers Hub

UK Parliament - email your MP

Government Heating Grants



Working Families

Department of Trade & Industry (dti) - For Employees

acas - Employment info

Tiger acas - Employment Rights

TUC Employment rights

Work Directions Looking for work

Startups.co.uk Starting a business

Redundancy - direct.gov


Citizens Advice Websites

Citizens Advice - (Adviceguide - benefits etc. info)

Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS)

Citizens Advice N. Ireland - Includes email advice

Citizens Advice - Citizens Advice - (volunteering, jobs, Social Policy info, what's new etc.)

Benefits & Jobseeking

Jobcentre Plus

Advice on consent to personal information being used

DWP Guide to Income Support


Benefits & Work

uk.gov.social-security - Google group

GL24 - Appeal form if you think our decision is wrong PDF

Benefit Rates - DWP (PDF)



Welfare Rights on the Net

Community Legal Service Direct

Rights of Women. org.uk Info re women's legal rights


Online Benefit Calculators

Entitled To

Housing Benefit - Rooms calculator

Tax Credits / Pension Credit

Tax Credits Online Check entitlement online

Tax Credits IR leaflet pdf file

Tax Credits info

Advice.ni.net - Tax Credits discussion - Independent Advice Network

Pension Credit

Housing & Council Tax

Exchange UK Council house exchange and mutual exchange - free limited service/premium (pay) service

Housing Benefit Info

Non dependant deductions - Tameside.gov website

Council Tax Valuation list - government site

Housing Options Help for people with learning difficulties, their families & supporters

Disability & Sickness

Benefits Enquiry Line - 0800 882200 (0800 220674 in Northern Ireland) or Minicom 0800 243355.

Disability Alliance

BHAS - DLA Guide to sickness & disability benefits

YourAble - Info for disabled people

DIAL - Disability information; advice network

RNIB Blind and sight loss help

RNID Deaf & hard of hearing help

National Phobics Society

The Disability Handbook

IB1 - Guide to Incapacity Benefit- Oct 2004

IB214 - Personal Capability Assessment - April 2002

IB204 - A guide for Medical Practitioners (DWP site)

Advice about Benefits for families of Disabled Children Thanks Ted.

Specialkidsintheuk Useful site for parents and carers of kids with any kind of special needs. Thanks Mrs B

(PDF file) Guide to Claiming DLA for children under 16 with brain related conditions Thanks to Ted and cher31e.

National Deaf Children's Society

Providing medical advice to the Decision Maker in DLA/AA: A Guide ... (Thanks to Ted for providing yet another useful link)

The Decision Makers Guide


Mental Health



Psychnet UK - Mental Health

Depression Alliance



Help with Health Costs

Health Costs - Disability Alliance Website

Prescription Pricing Authority

NHS site - Help with health costs entitlement

PatientUK - prescriptions and other health info



Child Benefit (Inland Revenue)

Child Poverty Action Group

Child Support Action - Help with CSA - Ј25 year subscription

Child Support Agency (CSA)

Child Support Analysis

National Association for Child Support Action

Families Need Fathers

Healthy Start Fruit, vegetable, milk vouchers worth Ј2.80/week if pregnant/children up to four.



Citizens Advice - Adviceguide

CCCS - (debt)

Bailiffs (Insolvency helpline)

Families, Relationships, Separation

National Family Mediation


Advicehq Divorce

Al-anon Support for family & friends of alcoholics

Bullying (young people) and Bullying (parents & families) Scottish Executive info


One Parent Families Scotland Includes info on Mainentance, Gays & Lesbians & Bullying

Maternity Alliance




Best answers:

  • Hi,
    I am wondering whether any of you can provide a website which contains executive CV templates or cover letters or if anyone would be kind enough to share their own one in this thread?
    Many thanks
  • I found this useful list (from the Telegraph Webiste): click here
    I found it very true. In my sector (non-profit) a mixture of biographical and competency-based are normally used.
    For senior jobs, when a member of the board is also present, sometimes stress interview questions are used (as most chairs are retired managers from the private sector and probably that's the style they are used to). I found these very difficult when I was not expecting them, I was not used to people being overtly rude to me at interviews...
    Hope this is useful.
  • if i ever get 5 mins to look at that i will.
  • I recently found www.careers-jobs.eu really useful for finding jobs and advice
  • Found this on MSN, tips on body language at job interviews, site has a lot of other info as well on CV etc.
    msn.careerbuilder.com (link)
  • I stoped looking for a job and one found me - life is like that. Seriously though what a bout starting up on your own in business or opening a franchise I know it takes money to start up but I dont see anywhere on the money saving stie that covers this topic - investment is key and being your own boss gives you the right to go your own way in life.
  • Hi all, I need some help, PLEASE. I am looking to work from home, anyone know of any jobs out there?
    Thank you guys for all your help. ( In advance)
  • Under the employement section, you might want to add Reed in Partnership (www.reedinpartnership.co.uk) and Working Links (www.workinglinks.co.uk). They're similar to Work Directions and are contracted to help unemployed people in different categories such as single parents and those on incapacity benefits. If you go to their sites you can check if they have a contract in your area...
  • I found this useful Common Interview Questions and how to answer them from the Uni of Kent. Lots of other bits of advice too.
  • Hi, I am being offered a job in Farnborough and would like to get views about the place as such. would be great, if i can get to know howz it as a place to live. Which are the best areas to be and if it is safe from a family perspective?
    I would be obliged, if i can get some fair suggestions.
    Many Thanks,
  • hi all,
    Can anyone provide me some useful tips on Resume writing. Iam looking for summer jobs in hotels, restaurants, bars etc..Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • Have you looked at this website?
  • For all types of jobs:
  • I'm a newly divorced mother of 2 who is looking for some extra income (my ex left the country with his mistress and havent heard from him in 4 months). I have been answering posts on Craigslist for house work and babysitting, but lately have been creeped out by the people on Craigslist. I started using Workstir.com cuz it lets me see who I am doing business with. Most of the users are tied to their Facebook profile, which is nice, cuz most people on Facebook use their real name and contact info.
    Anyway, just wanted to say hi and you'll be seeing me around
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