29 Jan 2018

A question about : JSA Annuity??????????

Hi all,
I am on IBJSA and have a small annuity that is about to start and have a couple of questions.

1. If I have it paid monthly would I have to declare it as earnings to the DWP? They would then reduce my payments accordingly.

2. If I take it as a lump sum (Not over the Ј6000 savings limit) Am I right in thinking that I don't need to inform them?

Any advice would help.
Thanks in advance

Best answers:

  • It is not a vast amount. But what I was getting at was that lets say:
    Value as lump sum Ј5000
    Monthly income Ј50
    As an income the DWP would claw Ј30 ( Allowed Ј5/wk) from JSA monthly.
    As a lump some I could draw Ј50 a month for the next 8 years without informing them. As I would not breach the Ј6000 threshold.
    What I'm pointing out is that HMGov are constantly warning us to prepare our pensions, but when you do, you get penalised for a modicum of forward planning.
  • Are you planning to be on JSA for eight years? Why?
  • I have a small pension that was my deceased husbands paid twice a year and it is taken weekly from my JSA don't think they count the Ј5 you are able to earn
  • Geminilady.
    I'm sure you can earn Ј5 as a single person and Ј10 as a couple per week. It's called a weekly "diregard". Have a read of this, just glue it together
    WelfareRights dot net /
    benefits-guides /
    I'd ask next time you speak with them because pensions are classified as earnings.
  • Does anyone know if you can still be sanctioned if you wait 6 months after you've quit your job?? Its coming up to 6 months since I quit and I need to claim?will I have any worries/sanctions?
  • Do your own thread for answers
  • I dont know how im new to this. where can I start a thread?
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