21 Jan 2018

A question about : Wrong natinal insurance number

Apologies if in wrong section.

Just noticed tht my national insurance number is wrong on my pay slip. I have checked some from last year it wrong on there also.
I have been in current job for 4-5 years. When i started i gave employer my national imsurance card along with other info so how could it be wrong now.
What is likely to to happen if say it been wrong for a few years?. Bit silly really not something tht catches my my when looking at pay slip everymonth. I will definatly be speaking to employer tomorrow do i need to tell someone else?.

Best answers:

  • You need to contact HMRC and get them to look into it. Its possible that you were given a NI Number that was already in use or is just plain wrong.
  • Hi, Martin’s asked me to post this in these circumstances: I’ve asked Board Guides to move threads if they’ll receive a better response elsewhere(please see this rule) so this post/thread has been moved to another board, where it should get more replies. If you have any questions about this policy please email abuse@moneysavingexpert.com.
  • Find out from your employer when the 'wrong' NINO has been used from, then contact HMRC on 0845 302 1479 and tell them.
  • It is important to follow this up now, as you could otherwise lose pension credits, which could be very difficult to recover in say 30 years time.
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