11 Jan 2018

A question about : Well, i have got my first job seekers allowance interview tomorrow and...

I have my first Job seekers Allowance interview tomorrow .

Having had my first telephone interview thingy with all of those silly yes/no questions the other day, I know that i need to take a copy of my C.V. and some form of I.D. I do not however possess either a driving license or indeed a passport, So does anyone know what else i can take along with me that will be an acceptable form of I.D.?

I am also just wondering if i need to take anything else along with me as I am not quite sure?

My final dilemma is that of deciding on what i should wear, I was going to wear a suit but without wearing a tie, henceforth i would be being smart and formal but not too formal. i am now however lead to believe that this would still be just a tad overdressed, so does anyone who has been in a similar position perhaps have any helpful advice for me with regards to what is appropriate attire for my first JSA Interview?

I do not particularly want to appear to be overdressed but then I also have no desire to look like i live on an estate and plan on spending my benefits money on Stella and Embassy No. 1's.

Any help / Or advice on these matters would be very much appreciated, Thanks!

Best answers:

  • The clothes dont even need to be clean and tidy - its not a job interview.
    As for ID - I think two pieces of non-photographic ID are ok - something like a utility bill and a medical card.
  • I don't think that a Medical Card is acceptable ID anymore, due to the number of times that they have been used in identity theft. Any 2 of Utility Bills, Bank Statements etc are usual - i.e. something from an offical body that has your correct name and current address should do.
    I would wear whatever makes you feel comforable and confident in a stressful situation. If a suit makes you feel good then go for that, if the other customers (or the Staff) are not so smartly dressed that's not your problem.
    Most of all don't forget your CV, that would straight away show the Jobcentre that your 'jobsearch' is serious. And will save a good deal of Q&A in the Adviser interview.
    Good luck tomorrow
  • Jeans, T-Shirt and a smart-ish jacket over the top?
    I've not been on JSA but I once made the mistake of looking in the job centre for a job, and I was shocked at the general state of people..
    If you wear a suit you will prob make the staff feel dirty lol.
    Good luck though, and hope you get a job sorted soon..
  • I just wore casual clothes for my JSA interview, It only last's about 10 minutes tops. They just ask what were you doing previously and a quick job search and explain how to fill in your jobseeking diary.
  • I've got mine tomorrow too, so thanks OP for starting this thread.
    To Berffro: I was told on the phone that it would take about 30-40 mins. That was by the guy on the first telephone "thingy" that op mentions and this length was also mentioned when I had a reminder call from the job centre this morning.
    To the Op I would suggest a look at this page:
    For some advice before you sort out the agreement. Seems to be you can get bullied into long commutes and long hours if you are unwary, anyway a good read.
    Good luck, I'm sure it's not as scary as we think .
  • The only time jobcentre staff will worry about your appearance is if you've got really weirdo hair or piercings etc that might put off an employer and they think you're doing it deliberately.
  • Its amusing the amount of conspiracy theories that people come out with about the benefit system.
  • don't need to wear anyhting special, casual clothes will do. the person will just discuss what you were previously employed as and what job you are looking for.
    the nature of the interview is dependant on the job centre staff.
    the mass presentation that they call the back to work seminar which they claim they will tell you how the job centre can get you back to work is a complete waste of time. if you have an ounce of common sense and want to work you will be doing everything that will be shown and told to you
  • Just wondered if the OP was still about and if and when he got his first JSA payment..
    I registered online on the 13th May had my telephone interview on the 15th (where you answer all the questions you answered online) and initial interview on the 19th. I was scheduled for 11am but wasn't seen till 11.30am and no, no apology. Again I went through all the details that I had given both online and by telephone and confirmed they were correct. I was then told to wait for an "advisor" at 12.20pm I had a 40 minute interview and finally left about 1.10pm...
    I was supposed to sign on properly on the 31st May but obv its a holiday.. so will not sign on until 14th June.. Bearing that in mind, anyone any idea when I'll recieve any payment?
    As for jobsearch seminars I have one on Tuesday, but I'm wondering how legitimate they really are; mines is scheduled for 5.15pm and takes around an hour.. Bad enough that you have attend these pointless episodes but surely meetings after 5pm couldn't be mandatory, can they?
    I know you have to jump through the goverment hoops these days but it dosnt make it any less irritating..
  • Clean, tidy and relatively smart is good, it means they can see that you can dress appropriately if needs must.
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