01 Jul 2019

A question about : No rest breaks

I am currently working part-time hours for a well known retailer during the christmas period.

Xmas temp staff are allocated 6 hour shifts without a break, which is legal. My shifts are normally allocated from 3pm to 9pm (which is closing time).

The problem is that realistically I always end up working longer than 6 hours at a time (usually an extra 15 minutes but in some cases 30 minutes).

I've had trouble finding work so I don't want to cause a fuss and put my job at risk. I also do understand that at the end of the day the store does need to be tidied for the following day but being on your feet and running around a large store for more than 6 hours at a time is tough.

Does anybody know if this is legal?
Or even have an suggestions about how to approach this and bring it up with the store manager?

Best answers:

  • Create waves about this and expect to find yourself replaced at short order by one of the 3 million job seekers. I know 6 hours without a break is hard, but you were happy to take the job on that basis so I can't really see that a few minutes extra would be enough to risk losing the job. More pertinent perhaps is whether you are paid for the extra time, especially if it's a NMW job and not being paid would take you below NMW.
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