16 May 2018

A question about : no pay rise for 5 years

just asked for a pay rise and amongst other things they replied

recruitment levels suggest that our salaries are in line with similar employers.

does this mean that they will never offer a pay rise while they can get people to work at the current rates - because some people might be prepared to work for these rates in ten years from now

they also say that all money comes from contracts they tender for. if there is no money for rises then it would seem inflationary pay rises are not part of their financial consideration when they bid for a contract. is it reasonable to ask if this policy will change when contracts are up for renewal?


Best answers:

  • Plenty of people are being served with pay cuts by draconian bosses these days..
  • It depends on market forces and how important it is for them to keep you. If they could fill your position with someone equally qualified or experienced at the same or less cost then there's little incentive to give you a rise.
    Or, maybe you've actually been paid more than the market rate for the past 5 years?
    When quoting for work, our quotes are probably at the same level or even less than we were able to quote 5 years ago. Based on that, we wouldn't be able to afford to give pay rises if we had employees. I'm sure a lot of other companies are in the same position.
    All I can advise is that if you're not happy then have a look around and see if you can get a better paying job elsewhere.
  • no pay rise for 5 years!!! time to jump ship. (if your career minded)
    I would have got out at the end of year 2 without a payrise.
  • Your lucky it hasn't went the other way. What you need to do is get another job, then give your reason for leaving as offered more money elsewhere, if your worth it your employer will play ball, if not just go, its win win.
  • In 2007 I got a 10% pay cut, then nothing until last year when they doubled my wage after i complained we were well below market level, Not that this helps you but just wanted to say ..
    Hope you get something sorted..
  • in previous times a work force would go on strike if there had been no pay rises for 5 years.
    what could an employer do about some of its staff going on strike or someone trying to organise some sort of industrial action
    it seems that when no one is part of the same union in a company the employee is at a massive disadvantage
  • could a work force of say 75 employees form their own union
    is there anything an employee could threaten an employer with without having cause to be dismissed?
    work to rule or everyone refusing to go to meetings ?
  • sorry just getting really stressed
    was inflation specifically designed to !!!! me off. I wouldnt mind not getting a pay rise if the cost of things didnt keep rising
  • The alternative to asking for a payrise of course is to seek promotion. That will come with extra renumeration in itself. In a company of 75 employees, there's bound to be other (more well paid) positions you can look at? Put your name in the hat so they know you're serious.
    It's been upsetting, but perhaps have a think over the weekend about the positives that can come from today. Sometimes a little nudge in the right direction is all you need to make a big difference.
  • How are you paid to the market rate?
    What is the financial state of your company?
  • I run a charity. No one has had an increase for approx 6 yrs.
    Virtually all our income comes from contracts too, but the money we can bid for has diminished so much that we are lucky still to have jobs, and we know it.
  • not had a payrise for 5 years either and they are looking at ways of cutting it
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