07 Dec 2017

A question about : No longer a Jack Reacher fan

I never thought I'd enjoy that type of fiction to begin with, I first tried a Jack Reacher book just because it was by Lee Childs. I enjoyed it and went on to read all the series, even waiting impatiently on occasion for the next instalment. But since the film and in my opinion a poor choice of actor to play Reacher I can't enjoy the latest novel. I think I am now seeing Tom Cruise instead of Reacher and have only read the first chapter. I suppose it could have happened no matter which actor was chosen but Cruise is so far from Reacher that I should never have watched the film.title=Frowntitle=Frown

Best answers:

  • I have the same problem with Stephen Tompkinson playing Inspector Banks In the books Banks is 5'9" but Mr Tompkinson is 6'2". It's really off putting and now I struggle to read the books . It's also why I won't read the Game of Thrones books. I don't want the TV series to be spoilt because it doesn't match up.
  • Tom Cruise as Reacher was an insane choice
    One that really got me was the nightmare that was Trueblood. Gormless actress in the lead, everybody either dead who shouldn't be/ the wrong age/colour etc etc.
    And don't get me started on Bones..................................
  • That film, although at least very close to the book, was totally spoiled by cruise.
    However I think we would still be waiting for a film if he hadn't made it.
    It was his own money sunk into the film, and when you can afford to make a film, I am sure you get a big choice in who stars in it.
    But deffo a few others would have made a better reacher.
    Its a fun fact that in this house sometimes we watch TV and one or the other turns to say "he would have made a better jack reacher"
    So far
    Rutger hauer
    Lou ferrigno
    Dolph lundgren ( if he could act)
    Daniel cudmore ( but would need a craggier face)
    Matthew modine
    Vince d'onofrio
    Edward herrman
    Joe manganiello
    Dwayne Johnson
    Jason Segel
    Oh and about a hundred more, all way more suitable than cruise.
    Still read the books despite the film, am waiting on the latest in paperback, due April.
  • Liam Neeson? Good fun books, very 'Taken'.
  • Anyone else starting to think the books are no where as good as the early ones?
    And a lot shorter.
  • Tom Cruise was as appropriate for Jack Reacher as John Hannah was for Rebus. Both got the part because they funded it and insisted.
    Nuff said.
  • I love the Jack Reacher books but haven't seen the film due to the casting of Tom Cruise. In my head Jack Reacher looks like Michael Madsen
  • i have read all the reacher books. I am sorry to say that i think it is time to wind the series up.
    The last book was just the same thing again. Reacher does not seem to have any direction now. He has nowhere to go.
  • The books are good clean fun - relaxing reading.
    I've deliberately avoided the film. Some folks just can't stand Pride & Prejudice on TV or the radio as the faces/voices are "wrong" & for them it was just simpler to avoid the media output & enjoy the original.
    All harder now, but at least the kindle cover is unlikely to have the film promo photo?
  • Joe Don Baker in his prime would have been excellent as Reacher
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