01 Sep 2017

A question about : Newspaper thread and front pages

Clickable front pages for today here:


Please post further details of any vouchers, deals etc below.

Current prices:
Financial Times: Ј2.50
Guardian: Ј1.60
Independent: Ј1.40
Telegraph: Ј1.40
Times: Ј1.20
Mail 60p
Mirror: 55p
Express: 55p
Sun: 40p
Star: 40p
i: 30p
Metro: Free

Best answers:

  • And the front pages, showing details of any vouchers, freebies etc:
  • Well, that just about sums it up.
    Bad enough that Politicians of all parties BLAME older people for everything from the shortage of housing, to the crisis in the NHS. Now we have the Independents frontpage story on Cancer proclaiming...
    "Milestone increase in expected UK cases BLAMED ON AGEING POPULATION"
    I suppose the ageing population are to blame for childhood cancers, or lung cancer in 30 year olds due to smoking, or cervical cancer in women in their 20s
    Why don't they just shoot people the day after they retire from work at the age of 68 and be done with it.
    After all, we cannot complain, in Logan's Run citizens were 'Renewed' on the Carrousel when they turned 30..... but then at 30 people won't have repaid a fraction of their student debt.
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