11 Jul 2016

A question about : New metre but higher bill despite lower than average usage


We got out first bill since becoming metered this week (obligatory now in east Kent.) Despite using less than the average person (223 litres per day for two of us, where southern water says the average is 150 per person) it seems we will now be paying 70 pounds more than we used to per year. We've already complained to southern water who said that's just the way it is. We're planning to escalate it and also to CCW if necessary. The usage seems right as we are very careful and we have no leaks etc but it seems wrong that we're paying substantially more than we used to fir what southern water regards as below average usage. We're a couple living in a small 2 bed cottage which by the forecasts should have made a meter better. Any similar experiences?

Best answers:

  • Have you been reading the meter yourself, have you checked that your bill is based on an actual reading and not an estimate.
    As you've now got a meter it's easy to read it regularly to make sure you don't have any leaks and to determine when and how much water you use.
    In my view it's only fair that people should pay for what they use and having a meter allows them to monitor their consumption and reduce it if possible.
    There are two of us and we use an average of 190l a day averaged over the year. That include showers,clothes washing, car washing and we've got an automatic garden watering system as well for when we are away although it's usually on from about May to September.
    We are at home all day so using it during the day for loo flushing, coffee, rinsing and stuff. The kettle is only filled with the water that we need.
    Our shower has a flow restrictor and we only spend 4-5 minutes each in it. The washing machine & dishwasher are only used with full loads and we don't leave taps running when washing, rinsing or teeth cleaning. All of our taps have flow restrictors.
    All these not only save water but energy as well as you have less to heat
    By the way, having a meter saves us over Ј200 compared with not having one.
  • I am afraid that you have no grounds for complaint.
    All houses properties built in the last 25 years have had meters fitted, and millions more have had meters fitted on change of occupant.
    In April 1990 an exception was made to allow unmetered properties to remain without a meter as a 'temporary measure' as it might cause hardship for large families in properties with a low Rateable Value. Frankly the Government and water companies have been remiss in not imposing compulsory metering earlier.
    Without being unkind(I hope) on what grounds do you think it unfair that you are now paying for water you use? - like the majority of others.
    If you haven't been metered for the last 25 years -or however long you have lived in your property - your low charges have been subsidised by other owners/tenants paying extra.
  • It's the same thing, 150 litres per day is 55m3 per year
    It fairly easy to use far less than this
  • if you are using 111 litres per person per day, you are below average (150litres per day or 55m3 pa each), but there's probably still scope for economising and checking for leaks
    In a showering household, flushing the toilet and waiting for hot water to get to the sink is where most of the water goes.
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