30 May 2019

A question about : New Credit card address

Hi, I just wonder if anyone can advise me, ive had credit cards for years (have a very good credit rating) and always had them at my family home address as I move a lot for work.
I want to transfer my current credit card balance to a 0% Barclay card but don't know what address to register it at... I've been at this address for 2 years now but have just not remembered to change address on old card.
So if I register with new address will it impact on not having changed address before or if I say family address still would that be ok? Even though I'm not currently there? :/

Best answers:

  • Personally I would apply using the family home address and then update the address after the account is opened. Bear in mind that Barclaycard will look at your credit file so if you are registered on the electoral roll at your new address or if you have other credit agreements registered there then they will see that.
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