23 May 2017

A question about : New Charity Registration Help Please


My school organises an annual trip to Romanian orphanages. Our pupils fundraise for this every year.

As our income is now well in excess of Ј5K per year we must register with the Charities Commission.

So I need some advice on the type of governance structure to set up. The Commission website describes several types :
charitable incorporated organisation (CIO) – there are two types: association CIO and foundation CIO
charitable company (limited by guarantee)
unincorporated association

We need something very simple really as we are a very small group. Everything is organised by 3 or 4 teachers. Apart from hiring interpreters and Romanian organizers for the week in Romania we do not pay anyone. We do not hold any property. We just fundraise, go to Romania and distribute aid.

My best guess is to set up a Trust but I'm not certain.


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