02 Mar 2018

A question about : NEW CAR PURCHASE

Is it possible to use one's credit card (eg 0% for 9 months ) to pay a main dealer all or part of the purchase cost of a brand new vehicle?

Best answers:

  • It is entirely up to the dealer but normally they do not accept credit cards for large amounts because of the charges.
    You could do a loan or overdraft balance transfer from a card that allows this e.g. Egg
  • Excuse my ignorance. Would your bank in the first instance have to agree an overdraft eg 4000 then Egg card used to pay off this overdraft?
  • No.
    Egg have no visibility of the account from which you ask them to transfer an overdraft or loan.
    Therefore you simply specify your current account and they put the money in your current account without you ever having to have an overdraft or loan.
    Strictly speaking I guess it's an abuse but lots of people do it.
    If you ar searching this site then search for SBT or Super balance transfer.
    There are probably a few other cards as well but not many.
  • Many thanks.
  • I knew someone who worked for a bank - someone did buy an expensive !car on card once and went into the branch a month later to pay it off...
    I think it depends on the dealer, but not many will. !When I was buying my car ~Ј7K - I asked, but my Accucard was not acceptable... shame - would have got Ј56 cashback
  • I recently bought a new car and paid for Ј2000 of it with my Mint card. The dealer charged me 1.9% for anything over Ј1000 on a credit card (effectively 1.4% when you take the 0.5% cashback into account, and I even earnt cashback on their charges). After shelling out a fair bit of money on the car it didn't seem like too steep a charge!
  • No problem OR surcharge when Mrs Vansboy had her new car.
    Ј16000 on MBNA Thomas Cook - so 1.5% towards our holiday, well worth having.
    They initially wanted to charge 2% but HAGGLE, HAGGLE, HAGGLE!!
  • I paid the Ј350 deposit on my new car by credit card.
    This gave me protection offered under section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. That is, you get protection on the full purchase price offered under the Act (on purchases over Ј100), even if only part of the purchase price is paid by credit card (or other form of credit).
  • Now that's clever Paul
    I'm looking at new cars now, and l'll be using that tip ;D
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