15 Dec 2016

A question about : New Car


Might be a really simple answer to this and I might just be being thick but I am getting a brand new car on Sunday 1st March.

I have been told what the registration will be however the reg isn't recognised on the DVLA/insurance comparison websites.

How can I insure it to drive on Sunday if noone recognises the reg?


Best answers:

  • You give the insurer the exact details of the car instead.
    Exact make, model, colour, engine etc..
  • You do need the reg number to be able to buy a policy.
    So after choosing (by entering the exact details) your insurer, then ring your chosen company with the reg to buy the policy.
    (Many main dealers will do you 7/14 days free insurance when you buy a new car so see if you can have this before buying a policy to start on the day you collect)
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