08 Feb 2017

A question about : Need one sided coat stand for narrow hall

Son is about to move into rented property with a narrow hall. Needs a narrow coat stand. He is sure he saw a one sided coat stand in a shop recently but cannot recall where. Cannot find one on the internet. As property is rented cannot install a wall mounted one. Anyone know of one?

Best answers:

  • Gravity tends to make one sided fall over unless the base is large which presumably is not what's wanted in a thin hallway you'd need something like a "free standing coat rail "plenty about depends on style and budget
  • You aren't necessarily unable to do things in rented flats, it's just that you have to get permission. If he's renting directly from the landlord, he should send a link to the (hopefully tasteful and good-quality) wall-mounted hangers he'd like to put up and ask if it's OK. It's not as if it's some esoteric implement that would have to be removed on departure as no other tenant would possibly want it.
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