11 Oct 2016

A question about : Need to lose 84 lbs

So I have a exercise bike at home which I should use more and I used to be a member of a leisure centre but never went lol

Now I need to lose weight and have decided on Military Fitness and to take one class a week, more if possible. I have also thought about taking up running but I don't like the idea of running on public streets on my own lol So I have throught of joining a running club is this a good idea? Also I want to take up tennis again but it's just getting the money & time for all this.

My aim is to lose 1.5 lb a week is this do able?

Best answers:

  • Course it's doable, my daughter lost nearly 3 stone in 12 months, you just have to keep up the motivaion and determination. She joined a running club too, loved it but like you doesnt feel safe running on her own.
    No messing, go on your bike every single day, and eat smaller portions.
    No excuses, every single day and up the time by a couple of minutes each day on the bike.
  • You can do it!
    I joined the gym and I've made loads of friends and that will be the same if you join a running club. Keep going and don't stop, as soon as you start seeing results you'll be addicted!
    Good luck and try and make a note on here of your progress, we'll all try and keep you motivated
  • oh it's not that I don't feel safe on the streets it's that I feel self-conscious.
  • It's only 6 stone and that is to be at the lowest possible for my height. Basically I need to be between 50 & 66 kg, I'm currently around 88kg
    I would have thought all exercises were impact exercises apart from swimming.
  • You can do it, just don't try to do too much straight away. Small healthy changes are the one's that will become a way of life-
  • This is military fitness
    I thought the impact of a squat was on your knees, clearly I don't understand the use of 'impact'
  • 90% of weight loss is done through changing what you eat. Exercise is great for increasing your fitness levels and overall healthiness, but to lose a serious amount of weight, it needs to be coupled with a healthy eating plan.
    Maybe try Slimming World or Weight Watchers alongside the exercise classes? Good luck with your plan.
  • The first things you need are a decent pair of trainers (properly fitted) and (if you are a woman!) a sports bra.
    What are your fitness levels like at present? Those military/ bootcamp style classes can be very tough going, you might find yourself left behind at first?
  • Well I do a lot of walking at present
  • reduce your calorie intake by 750 calories a day, and you will lose weight at the same rate with no exercise, and no need to spend money and time at classes. 20 minutes on the exercise bike will speed up the process, provided you don't compensate by eating more.
  • I'd recommend using www.myfitnesspal.com
    I used it and combined cal counting and exercise and lost 2 stone in about 3 months or so.
    It calculates a cal allowance for you, has a massive database of foods that you can search to find out how many cals are in something and logs approx cals for every bit of exercise you do.
    Don't forget walking too - as long as you're moving you're burning cals. Can you fit a bit of extra walking during the day too? Maybe a walk at lunchtime (even 20 mins is better than sitting down for 20 mins and can burn up to 100 cals) or walking the dog (borrow one if you don't have one) or walking to the shops instead of driving etc. You'd be surprised at how quickly the extra exercise mounts up.
    Combine this with some getting out of puff stuff and reducing your cals and you'll see results fairly quickly.
    Only weigh yourself once a week too - at the same time in the same place (naked in the morning after the loo if possible) and don't worry if you stay the same or go up a bit when you first start exercising, its normal and will go after a week or two.
    Good luck!!
  • Have you considered Paleo?
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