27 Mar 2016

A question about : Natwest sending post to incorrect address

Hi All

I go a letter from Natwest - No bank details or anything in it - but it was sent to an old address one that they in theory should have.

The only account I have with them is my joint one, which has always had my current address associated with it (and thats not changed for 6 years) and all the most gets addressed to my other hafl - I don't even have a debit card for it.

So Obviously I am going to write to them (somehow) and ask how they got that address and why are they sending post to it and can they remove it etc, but has this happened to anyone else? Is it unusal and something I should be concern about?


Best answers:

  • First thing would be to check what address they have on file for you?
    Why? Write them when it would be easier just to call.
    Do you hold a credit card or any other products with NatWest?
  • Thanks for your reply.
    No I have no other products with Natwest.
    I will probably call, (will depend on their calling hours)
  • Great thanks! I will give them a call now then
  • Sorry that should be shouldn't have.
    Its been a long day...
  • Update..
    So not easy to get in touch with Natwest if you havent got any account details or anything, but I did eventually get through to a lovely lady who has confirmed my correct address, however I cant change it till I go into a branch
  • Well linked to the joint account they have my actually address, but where they will send any promotional stuff and any non joint account related letters they will send it to a very very old address, which they apparently got from a mortgage in principle check a few months a go. They only way they can change that is in branch apparently as linked to my name not an account.
  • The old residential and correspondence address conundrum again.
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