20 Mar 2017

A question about : At my wits end!!!

Hi all, apologies in advance for the long post,

around July last year i went to my bank to apply for a loan only to be turned down due to bad credit, i checked my credit file and discovered that there was an agreement from Hitachi Capital of which i had no idea existed.

i have always had an impecable credit file and have never missed a payment on anything.

i contacted Hitachi and after a few phone calls and asking questions i discovered that my son had taken out a credit agreement for a pc in my name (which i knew nothing about).

i contacted hitachi and they said that its fraud and to report this to CiFAS which i did and then i gave the reference number to hitachi.

a few days later i recieved a letter basically saying that they dont believe this is fraud and that they will be taking no further action.

i have provided hitachi with copies of all my bank statments & even proof that their original direct debit was set up from my sons account and he was making payments to them from his bank (my son admitted what he had done to me and we have since worked things out between us) and my son provided them with his bank statments showing when he made payments to them and even showin a deposit he paid to them whilst pretending to be me.

hitachi still refused to accept this even though we had a three way conversation in which my son admitted to them what he had done.

my son is willing to pay but i dont want this on my credit file.

we complained to the ombudsman and are awaiting a decision (we have to take our ID to a solicitor for some reason)

however, today i came to use my credit card (which is joint mine and my wifes) and found out that the bank had closed the account on the back of hitachi recording none payments from me.

what do you think my chances are of the ombudsman sorting this out?

and if the ombudsman finds in favour of hitachi what are my options.

TIA for any advice and again sorry for the long post.

Best answers:

  • You will not get anyone to do anything until the debt is paid.
    You son may well be "willing to pay", but that counts for nothing until he does so.
  • Have you reported the fraud to the police and got a reference number for the crime?
  • yes we have, the police took absolutley no notice of us and just gave us a crn which we passed to hitachi,
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