13 Mar 2024

A question about : Mortimer Clarke solicitors help needed with these idiots please!!!

Hi please can anyone help?
Here is a bit of bumf about my situation.
my dh and I have been on a dmp with step change for a few years now and one of our debts was with egg up until a year or two again we were steadily chipping away at said debt until suddenly step change contacted us saying the payment was being returned?! We tried to contact egg and basically spent several months on a wild goose chase trying to find out what had happened to this debt (assumably sold).
We then didn't hear anything from any other debt collectors regarding this til July this year when Mortimer Clarke solicitors dropped ccj papers on us from Cabot finance?! The papers literally showed up a matter of a day or 2 to respond to! Step change advised us to contact them which we did and they (mcs) were utterly useless couldn't tell us who debt was with originally or anything else!
We responded to ccj papers with step changes help. Fast forward to last month we hadn't heard a peep from them so chased them trying to find out if they had paperwork did they agree to our payment plan etc again utterly useless and vague couldn't provide any info!!
Today we have received new cc paperwork saying that the original ccj was actually wrong and it was egg who our debt was with!!
We contacted Northampton county court and step change and they have said new ccj paper work should arrive for us to basically fill in and start whole process again! Mortimer Clarke are utterly useless when we called them couldn't confirm if debt was with egg or who we if/ when new court papers would be sent and if we should be paying them the original offer?
Mortimer Clarke seem completely incompetent and can't provide us with a damn thing about this debt which is worrying!
Now while we await these new ccj papers I want to write to Mortimer Clarke and demand they give me all the info about this debt. I don't dispute we had a debt with egg but I couldn't say the amount they are stating is right and I just feel the fact they couldn't even get the first court papers right and can't seem to give us any info at all something seems a little odd?!!
Can anyone shed any info on this company? Anyone else had a situation like this that they seem to have no info of debt?! Any advice on what I can / should do?

Best answers:

  • While there are experts on here who offer very good advice it is not a dedicated legal forum.
    When you get your court claim, I would post up your question on the Financial Legal Issues forum on CAG and/or Legal Beagles. You will get faster evolving advice on those.
    I wouldn't mind betting they advise you to wait before unleashing your frustration on them. You would be much better asking them for the information under what is called a CPR request as the case proceeds. That way, if they cannot provide some of it you may be able to avoid a CCJ.
    I would also ask if they are in the rules by issuing another claim for the same account.
    Keep talking to Stepchange (or National Debtline). There is a strict protocol with timings that MUST be adhered to or you will be likely to lose.
  • Maybe a good move to fire off a CCA request as well, if they cant decide who the debt was with, I seriously doubt much in the way of paperwork will exist for it !!!
    Also Google "pre-action protocols" because if a creditor does not follow proper procedure (pre court action) the case can be thrown out.
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