23 Dec 2017

A question about : MoneySaving Poll: Would you vote for English/Welsh/NI independence?

Poll started 15 September 2014

Would you vote for English/Welsh/NI independence?

The Scottish referendum is here. Those resident in Scotland will decide whether the country should break away from the rest of the UK. So we wanted to run our own vote for the constituent countries of the UK using similar stark language as in the real referendum.Please select the option closest to your views.

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Thanks! title=Smile

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Best answers:

  • I can't beleive that at this time there are 6% of Scots in this poll have said they will not be voting.
    That's like cutting your own tongue out and never having a voice again.
  • It might not be Scots who are planning to not vote, but non-Scottish people who live in Scotland.
  • I am amazed at the low number of people who wouldn't want independence if they could have it - gosh I would vote for independence. Can we have it with a new parliament - one that only has voted in members and gets a lower salary to show they are doing the job because they want to help people and no expenses to be claimed at all, like everyone else in the UK.
  • From the results of the MSE poll it would appear to me that the Scottish rush to break with the Union is absolute madness. With so many uncertainties the yes voters seem to walking blindly to disaster rather than Salmond's unproven vision of prosperity. I would have thought it important to put your parachute on before jumping out of the plane. Talk is one thing, delivering is a different matter altogether.
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