25 Dec 2017

A question about : MoneySaving Poll: How much of your income do you spend on your rent/mortgage?

Poll started 24 June 2014

How much of your income do you spend on your rent/mortgage?

Home is where the heart is – and it’s also at the heart of many of our bills. How big a call on your income are your housing costs? (If you’re a couple/family please answer as a group.)

Please select the closest answer to how much you spend as a proportion of your HOUSEHOLD TAKE-HOME SALARY/INCOME (after tax, but include any benefits received as income).

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Best answers:

  • At the time of my vote, how on earth can 60 people claim that their mortgage/rent is more then 100% of their household income??? Am i misunderstanding the question?
    If your mortgage/rent is more than your income, how do you buy food, pay for gas & electric, all the basic essentials??
  • Gross or net income? Makes a big difference for some.
  • How do people pay more than 100%? Debt I would guess
  • Can someone explain how a person stating [I/we privately rent our home] or [I/we rent our home via social housing (council or housing association)] can live rent free .
    And how can I do this please.
  • I did some number-crunching and rent is about 29% of post-tax income. Other bills are a further 25% (ish).
  • Without mortgage overpayments, it is 2% of our net take home pay. With overpayments it is 36% - hoping to be mortgage free by end of 2015.
  • Our mortgage is approx 26% of our pay after deductions (tax,NI and student loan).
    Our mortgage which we only took out earlier this year was just over 3x joint income (before deductions). We feel this is very affordable and plan to start overpaying our mortgage early next year once we have done a few jobs to the house. At that point we'll spend around 40% on our mortgage.
  • As usual, there's no category for park home owners, who (usually) own the building, but not the ground it stands on, so pay "ground rent". Which, in my case, comes in the 10-19% tranche.
    What's a park home? A home on a park ... what most people still refer to by the 30+-year-out-of-date term "mobile home", or even worse a caravan, which it isn't: mine looks like a chalet bungalow, and is connected to mains electricity, water, sewage, telephone, and even gas. (No way is it "mobile"; it has a brick skirt.) I even have a garage.
  • My rent is 9.5% of my annual income.
    It would be less with a mortgage, until I was overpaying - which I would do!
  • I'm self employed and my income varies. Currently using 25% of net drawings, but that includes overpaying the mortgage, and I wouldexpect to have some retained profit at the end of the year, so as a % of actual income over the year it should be lower.
    In the last financial year my mortgage accounted for about 15% of my gross income.
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