08 Sep 2016

A question about : Money saving family challenge Ј25 per week

Hi All,

I am new to the site, so will introduce myself first.

I am a mother in my mid twenties, my family consists of me, my partner, our toddler, 2 dogs & two cats.

I work a part time day job & I run a small business from home.

Running a small business obviously means there are going to be some months I am not going to be making much money, so I have decided to challenge myself to feed & wash my family on just Ј25 a week (animals included). I could up the budget to a more reasonable amount but the aim is to save money & make healthy, filling, easy meals for us all.

If anyone would like to follow me you can go to my contact details & click on the blog link, I started the challenge today, but started blogging on friday. I am also on FB if you search for cherry budget hogan & like the page, I also opened up a group on friday for people to share tips on reducing there outgoings called fill my family on a budget this has over 1000 members in just a few days.

I hope to see some of you interested, maybe even pop over to the group to share your ideas

Many Thanks

Claire x

p.s I know I am not male, but surely some dads are wanting to reduce there outgoings title=Smile

Best answers:

  • Put animals on a raw diet. If you bulk buy all your meat and veg and split between all of you including the animals it will work out cheaper. Don't pay extra for pet food!
  • I wouldn't scrimp on pet food as their dietry needs are different to ours.
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