28 Aug 2016

A question about : Mobile by Sainsbury's


Looking to move the missus from Tesco due to rubbish O2 reception at home.

Can anyone tell me if Sainsbury's (Vodafone) are 4G enabled?

Looking at their website and it looks like they only do 30 day rolling contracts? No year long option?


Best answers:

  • yes they only do PAYG or 30 Day SIMO plans
  • 4G is not available on Sainsburys.
    They only do PAYG .
  • 4G was the deal breaker so off to 3 I think
  • A rolling bundle is not a contract. You're buying a bundle that lasts 30 days on a monthly basis as opposed to subscribing to a service that requires a 30 day notice period to cancel. It's a small difference, but an important one.
    I might be wrong, but Sainsbury's rolling bundles probably don't require a credit check whereas a rolling sim only contract could require a check depending on the network.
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