24 Dec 2017

A question about : MMD: Should I let them bury the dog?

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Should I let them bury the dog?

We're selling our house, and this morning, our prospective buyers turned up to say their Great Dane had died and they wanted to bury it in our garden as they didn't want to leave her behind when they move. They've put in an offer we haven't exchanged yet. Should I take this as a sign of commitment and let them bury the dog, as I don't want to jeopardise the sale?

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Best answers:

  • I presume cremating the dog & then having them scatter it's ashes in your garden AFTER you exchange is out of the question?
    I'd have reservations about it myself, after all, what if it all falls through? Also, Great Danes are BIG - you don't say how big your garden is but that's gonna be a huge hole!
  • Have a barbie - beer, Pringles and lots of hot dogs !
  • Why not have a B B Q and have the dog?
  • I'd have to say no. What if the sale falls through? And where is the dog right now?
  • This is the easiest yet. The answer is of course no.
    This is for the reason that it is illegal to bury pets in your garden. I'd suggest something along the lines of "I am a law abiding citizen and would not like to aid or abet you in your illegal activites, please leave my property".
    I thought better of this site but I guess it's indicative of the downhill ride of this site.
  • Hehe these get better and better.
    As part of the agreement to them doing it, I think I'd want the deal to be final. Presumably if it fell through they wouldn't want the dog buried there and would remove it, but... it'd be a bit annoying at that point.
    Edit: must admit I thought it was common practice amongst pet lovers. It's illegal??
    Edit 2: looks like it's legal but has to be where the dog lived (maybe the councils are scared of lost doggy ghosts!) https://www.gardenlaw.co.uk/gardenburial.html
  • I believe that it was brought in early 2000s - supposedly for health reasons. I guess the government are still working out how they're going to stop wild animals dying willy Billy and perhaps are setting up a training program to teach them to go to the vet before popping off.
    Just because something is wide spread doesn't mean it's legal! Look at DVD piracy!
  • What is the problem with having a dog buried in your garden?
  • There are a few been buried in our garden over the years.
    (And no doubt there will be few more.)
  • Tell them they're welcome to bury the dog immediately upon exchange of contracts, but until then the pooch will have to be kept in cold storage, or formaldehyde if your buyer just happens to be Damien Hurst.
  • Tell them you will bury it but dont tell them where in the garden- incase the sale falls through and they try to dig it up !
  • I would have to politly refuse - what if the sale fell through?
    When my Aunt moved into a new house, she dug up the garden to put in a pond. We found a dog skeleton complete with collar and lead. It still upsets me to this day.
  • No!! No No No No
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