26 Nov 2015

A question about : Mission:Control

You know that it isn't real
You'll disappear in a black hole
You know that it isn't real
Floating out of control ... Oh Wow*

Hello chaps and chappettes

Having read many of the debt diaries, I thought it might be time to taketh the bull by the horns (strong words for someone who dislikes blood sports) and join in.

Forsooth! I hear you cry. Why now?

Because, my lovely chums, I'm heading for an almost landmark birthday. I will soon hit 39 and I would so love to be debt free by my 40th. Never mind the life-beginning B-day - this one is frightening the bejasus out of me. You know what society says about being all grown-up and sorted out in your 30s? Well, for various reasons that didn't happen for me. Illness, awkward choices and bad luck got in the way. But I found you lot earlier this year and I've already made great strides. I want to be at least solvent by the time I'm officially middle-aged (title=EEK!). Being settled into a career, meeting the man of my dreams and living happily ever after will have to wait.

I'll unfold over the coming months. I'll try to be honest, upbeat and optimistic. I'll even chuck in a song of the day to really annoy everyone.

In the meantime, wish me luck because I'm scared.

*It Overtakes Me - The Flaming Lips

Best answers:

  • Those Dutch mountains must play havoc with your steering and brakes, though.
  • i'm already looking forward to the next installment of your diary! mine is boring as h3ll - i was born a reader not a writer!
  • Once again Minnie, dont be scared. Your in good hands here.. I look forward to reading your diary. Good Luck.
  • Hey Minnie
    Looking forward to reading your diary!
    It sounds like you are doing really well and I'm waiting for that invitation to your debt free 40th birthday party!
    Good luck for the second interview tomorrow - can you just change your top/skirt (if you are in a suit)? If you look smart, they won't notice.
    scottishspendaholic x
  • I'm laughing already, this thread is gonna do wonders for my stomach muscles (perhaps less so for my computer if I persist in drinking while reading!!!)
    Yippee Another diary to add to my list of subscriptions , I'm looking forward to your installments already!!
    Its a hard question about the jobs really, not sure what I'd do. I guess, though, if this place seems nice then its might be worth going for it, if only because you could be waiting for ever for the other people. I'm a firm believer in following your instinct, when decision time comes I'm sure you'll know what to do!
  • Well, they do seem like a nice bunch, I have to say. Small company who are growing and I've already pointed out to them that it's in their own best interests to employ me.
    Then again, with all this luck at getting interviews, maybe I should consider starting my own agency.
    Anyone fancy signing up for Jobs for SlobsTM?
  • Holy cow! Look at the time! I haven't done my quota of tidying the flat tonight (too busy whirling around to The Flaming Lips) and the washer dryer arrives on Saturday!
    Tomorrow night is going to be extremely busy. Stardrops, Starclen and microfibre cloths - stand by. Vacuum cleaner.... I'm coming to get you!
    DFWers - I'll always have time for you.
    Nighty night all.
  • And the man at the back said
    Everyone attack and it turned into a ballroom blitz
    And the girl in the corner said
    Boy, I wanna warn ya, it'll turn into a ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz, ballroom blitz
    Ballroom blitz*

    Yo, Blair! DFWers!
    What a lovely day - if you like oppressive heat. And not a sign of the promised rain. I wonder if Michael Fish is behind all this?
    The search for gainful employment continues onwards. As of this afternoon I am unemployed resting.
    I'm now very glad I didn't throw all my extra cash at the Debt. I might need it in the coming weeks for, ooh, eating and stuff.
    The second interview occurred today and I'm afraid I turned the job down when they offered it. I just didn't feel right about it (I won't go into detail as it would take hours to tell you all, and anyway, a picture paints a thousand words - see below**).
    So, on with the metaphorical boots on Monday and high-ho, high-ho, it's off to find gainful employment I go.
    But, am I bovvered? No! I got chanting, I got lentils, I got you lot, I got hope. I also got a lottery ticket .
    The plan for this weekend involves a little light feng shui, the gym and working out the Plan of what to do next.
    Chin up, chickens! Have a lovely weekend "enjoying" our extended summer!
  • Hey Minnie good for you having your own diary! Am amused already by the meanderings & look forward to our updates! Will send positive vibes on the job seeking...what do you do? Any agency work around to tide you over until something f/t comes up? Big hugs & have fun with the star drops!! Mine will emerge at some stage this weekend! Are DFW's exciting or what!!
  • Hey minnie!
    I'm already jealous of your song of the day idea, and may well steal it... I look forward to reading your diary anyway!
  • What was I thinking when I chose Ballroom Blitz as song for the day?
    1. I hardly live in a ballroom. The whole flat could fit neatly into the DJ booth at the local stomping emporium.
    2. Blitz? Look at the time! I've got to at least clear a vague runway for the impending delivery of washer tomorrow. Not happening.
    Will somebody out there please shout loudly at me to GET ON WITH IT?
    While you do that, I'll disappear and assemble boxes. I figure if I just stash the whole lot and pile them up against a wall I'll be in with a chance. Once it's all out of the way I'll be able to see what space I have (no, Minnie, MySpace doesn't count).
    3. And, as I'm doing zilch for the forseeable, I'll be able to spend my unemployment unpacking boxes and putting things in the right place.
    Simple really, no?
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