23 Sep 2016

A question about : Might have to have cat put down

My nearly 13 year old Salem has FIV and has steadily been getting worse and worse. He is back and forth to the vet for antibiotic injections - the last one about a month ago. He is not eating properly again now and is regurgitating any wet food I give him. He is also being sick on the dry food.

He has lost about 30% of his bodyweight in the last 12 months and spends most of his time just sitting around.

I'm taking him back to the vet tonight but not sure how much longer I can keep dragging him there for injections, blood tests etc. At what point do I say enough is enough? He's not happy - he will purr when you pet him etc but his behaviour is becoming quite odd and it can't be nice for him to be ill all the time. He will never actually get any better - am I just keeping him going because I can't bear to lose him?

Not sure what I want to achieve with this thread but needed to vent a little!

Best answers:

  • I'm so sorry to hear that your cat is poorly. I know it can be such a worrying time.
    In this case, you will have to think about what quality of life he has and if it would be kinder to let him go painlessly. I know it's a tough decision to make.
    As you are heading to the vets tonight, I would have a chat with them to discuss his current behaviour and test results and see if the vet can recommend any other things that could help your cat, or at what point the vet would suggest letting him go. Let us know how you get on.
    I hope the vet can suggest something to try - fingers crossed x
  • Ah I'm sorry to hear about your cat Flick. I can't say much more than BirdNerd, I'd hate to be in your position. Hope everything works out okay.
  • How sad to read this. F.I.V. is such a horrible illness. Salem sounds very lucky to have such a caring owner. Ask the vets advice but you will know best about his quality of life as you are with him the most. Hopefully the vet can get his current issues under control but if they can't and he is suffering, you have to do what is right for Salem.
  • I'm sorry to hear about your cat.
    It does sound as though you are at the point where you have to decide whether his quality if life is good enough for you to be able to keep him, or whether it is kinder to let him go. I hope the vet will be able to advise as to whether they feel they are likely to be able to get him better than he is now, or not.
    It's always one of the hardest decisions we have to make for our pets - subject to what the vet says, it does sound as though unless they feel they can improve things for him, it may be time to love him and let him go.
    much sympathy.
  • If you are having to ask the question I think you already know the answer.. have got to that point with several times with my cats. You know when the time has come..
  • Thanks everyone. It's just so hard when he is having a cuddle and seems happy. But is that enough? As soon as the youngest goes back to Uni on Wednesday he will be home on his own all week again. I say on his own - there are two other cats - but he does prefer human company.
    I've had him since he was very tiny. We found him, his mum and his litter mates stuck in a shed where I used to work. They were only a few days old and poor mum looked half starved! My mum came and picked them up and fostered them but I took Salem as soon as I could. Mum got Mama cat spayed - who then promptly ran off! But at least we found homes for the kittens.
    I'll let you all know what the vet said later.
  • Agree with tanith in that you know when the time has come. Without knowing much detail, it doesn't sound like the time is yet, as he is still enjoying the simple things like human company and doesn't sound like there is obvious pain.
    The practical side of how long you can spend to keep him going is a very personal one also, but it sounds like you are willing to keep committing.
    My advice, prepare yourself that the time is almost there, and just take each day as it comes. It helps you enjoy the simple things in the time you have left. And always remember that he was lucky enough to enjoy the time he had being looked after by you. That's really quite a blessing when you think about it.
    Best wishes
  • So sorry to hear you have this dilemma. We had our cat put to sleep 3 weeks ago. We could almost hear him pleading to go to sleep and not wake up. You know when the moment has come. We feel completely at peace with the decision. We buried him next to his old mate, so feel he is at peace too.
    As other posters have said, talk to the Vet about what is best. He has had a wonderful life with you - so lucky to have found you when he was so little.
    If and when the time comes, you can be there to comfort him, and remember that it is just the same for him as when he falls asleep any other time, except that his feeling rotten is at an end. The Vets understand how awful it is for us to make the decision.
    Thinking of you Flick. Pets give us so much happiness.
  • Well good news! We have gone for another antibiotic injection and review in a month. The vet said that if he is responding to antibiotics, even if it it is not as much as he should, then it's worth keeping him going.
    He also has developed a heart murmur! Hid blood tests did not show any thyroid issues but apparently the FIV can mask it. But the weight loss ( he has lost more weight now. Half a kilo in a month) and heart murmur could mean a thyroid problem as well.
    I have some special food for him as it was suggested that his normal food is now too rich for him. He seems to enjoy it and I'll have to see if he brings it back up.
    Fingers crossed xxxx
    Thanks for all your kind words and wishes.
  • Flick - Second cat Nicki had FIV when I found him. The vet gave him a fortnight maximum. I had him for three and a half years! yes, the last few months were awful - but, he wasn't in pain - the last few weeks he was very much like Salem and though I didn't want to admit it - it was HIS time to pass on. Its a truly hard decision and one you don't want to make - but, when you know in your heart that its the kindest thing you can do for them...................then its the right time.
  • I got some special food for him last night - chicken and rice for sensitive kitty bellies! He seemed to enjoy it last night but promptly regurgitated this morning's offering Perhaps I just need to let the antibiotics kick in?
  • That's great news. I'm so glad the vet feels they can still help him. The antibiotics might take a few days to have a positive effect but I would ring the vet and ask. Hopefully his tummy will settle down soon.
  • I rang them this morning. They have suggested giving him tiny amounts and see how he gets on. His last injection took a good week before it properly kicked in!
    He is also drinking loads more than usual. Not sure if this is because he is hungry or a more sinister problem
  • Well so far so good - he has not been sick again and seems to be perking up - although he still spends most of his time chilling out on the cat tree. But then he is in his late 60's so I guess he is entitled to chill!
    And because I never miss an opportunity to share a photo of my cats - here is is relaxing on his favourite fake fur blanket!
  • What a sweetheart!
    I'm so glad he has perked up! Let's hope he continues to improve.
  • He's gorgeous . So cute on his fluffy blanket!
    It's great to hear that he's improved and his tummy seems to be settling down.
  • Salem is lovely. I hope the special food is nice for him and that his time does not come too soon.
  • Hi Flick,
    Salem looks beautiful and he looks very happy
    How is he doing? Has the antibiotic kicked in yet?
    I understand how you are feeling - my wee boy is 10 and was diagnosed with intestinal lymphoma two weeks ago. We have just started treatment (pills at home, with regular bloodtests at the vets - anything more invasive would be too much and would stress him out too much). He had constant diarrhea which caused him to lose loads of weight, as he just wasn't absorbing anything from his food. The treatment won't cure him but fingers crossed it will give him some more time, as 10 is just too young for it to be over.
    Big hugs to Salem xxx
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