10 May 2018

A question about : Melaleuca Business Opportunity

Hi all,

As you can tell from my user name, my husband and I are planning to downsize in about 6 months, with me leaving my current job to eventually become a student again. I will need to earn a little (about Ј50pw) to keep us afloat, but don't care what it is as long as I don't go back to bar work! A friend has given me some information on an australian/american (?) company called Melaleuca, which basically sells tea-tree oil toiletries and household products. You don't have an outlay as such as the customer orders direct, not through you. I've never heard of this company - they say they don't need to advertise as they do it all through word of mouth.

I would be interested if it's a way to make a little pocket money as a student, however the referral system (where you get commission if you refer someone, and more if they then refer someone else, and so on) worries me a little. I don't want to be involved in any kind of pyramid scheme!

Any advice, especially if you have heard of this company or used it's products, would be much appreciated.

Best answers:

  • I can't see where you come in, if you don't take the orders. Do you just deliver them then? Sorry I have never heard of this company - do they have a website for further details maybe?
    If your shortfall is "only" Ј50 a week, it might be that you can make a good dent in that just by economising a bit more (read the Old Style board on here!), or perhaps delivering the local free paper, helping in a shop on Saturdays, or doing some private typing etc. Okay you don't want to do pub work (and I don't blame you!) but how about waitressing? Or even a couple of shifts in McDonalds - I gather they are quite flexible about hours to suit their staff's other commitments.
    Wish I could be more helpful, but didn't want you to remain unanswered. Let us know what you decide anyway, and good luck with the change of lifestyle .
  • Melaleuca
    From a quick visit to the above site I'd stay well clear of this kind of business opportunity.
    It's looks to me as if you will be pushed into buying sample packs and selling directly to your friends and aquantainces.
    I've had a quick look at the vitamins and nutritional supplements and I wouldn't want to try to sell products which don't appear to list the quantity of active ingredient at the prices they charge. While many people will want to believe that the more you pay the better the product I personally wouldn't want to sell products not knowing precisely what they contain or if they represent good value for money.
    The site seems to contain more hype than fact and I think you'd be better off forgetting about it.
  • I have heard of this company. I used to subscribe to their newsletter as im a fully trained holistic therapist. Their t tree products are quite simply the best in the business but i haven't heard of them selling through agents in this country as all orders were processed via their web site.
    Apologies just had a look at the web site this is mimiking a kosher site that sells Australian t tree oils. I would think carefully.
  • Many thanks to you all. I've had a long weekend to mull over it with my husband, and both you and he have confirmed wheat was in the back of my mind. If it looks like a pyramid scheme, feels like a pyramid scheme, it probably IS a pyramid scheme.
    I found out that you have to buy the sample packs to show to your friends (at like, Ј2.99 for a bottle of washing up liquid etc!) My friend seems to be a bit caught up in it and thinks that's really good value for concentrated anti-bacterial w/u liquid - but I use the MS Old Style site!!
    Also, I've since found out that you need to order a minimum amount per month to accumulate "points" - approx Ј35 min. As my friend says, she spends that on toiletries, household cleaning stuff etc, but as we're trying to downsize, we definitely don't. (We spend about Ј35-40 per week for two for the whole grocery budget!)
    Thank you all - sometimes you know what to do but need other people to tell you! That's why this site is great!!
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