25 Feb 2018

A question about : Marks & Spencer 0% Card

Just a quick question. Does the M&S card typically do instant approval?

I just applied and I don't think it actually credit checked me. It just said We'll email you with our decision in 48 Hours.

I'm a bit worried because that type of message usually means no! Or perhaps it's what everyone gets!

Best answers:

  • Take Corporal Jones advice "don't panic!'.
  • I received the same message. However, I didn't receive the promised e mail.
    After 3 days I phoned them and was told I had been approved.vNo further action was needed on my part. The next I knew was a letter, pin and card through the post about 5 days later.
  • It will have credit checked you at that point of submitting and getting that reply back.
    They are probably well busy with that particular offer on at the moment.
  • It wouldn't surprise me if it makes the decision (in most cases) instantly but is set with a time delay to give the impression it is 'old/new fashioned banking' and they have a cravat wearing human looking at the application.
    Maybe that is my cynicism with M&S & HSBC showing...
  • Mine was instant approval - card agreement arrived two days later - returned immediately - card arrived after a further week.
    The oddest thing with this application is that to this day they never credit checked me..I did however have a good relationship with HSBC which is maybe why.
  • I think that M&S don't do instant decisions. This is why you got this response.
  • I had the same issue. Applied and received an email on the 24th Nov saying they would have a decision within 3-5 working days. Phoned them this morning and they said I was successful on the 7th December and would be sending the card out.
  • I applied to get an M&S credit card and a few days later I received an email asking me to phone them... Has anyone else experienced this? Is the email genuine?
  • In my case yes. I had stupidly put my birth date in for my wife too - (I wanted her to be a joint card holder).Very understanding customer service agent sorted it out in minutes. Even though as Del Boy would have said what a plonk*r she said it was easy to do. Paperwork to sign within a couple of days, now waiting for the card
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