17 May 2018

A question about : Marking Exam Papers

Hi All,

I'm sure I read on here at some point about there being work available marking exam papers and as exams are just around the corner I thought I would see if anyone knew anything about it - so any ideas on who I would contact and what qualifications you would need.

I'm looking for a bit of work that I can do in my own time.


Best answers:

  • Exams are here, my little brother is doing his maths GCSE tommorow...
  • Your best bet is to contact the exam boards (most of them have websites), see if they need examiners in your subject for the next session. They will also be able to advise you of the specific experience/qualifications they require.
  • Thank-you - i'll look into the exam boards.
  • You usually need to have taught the subject as recently as two years ago, unless times have changed from when my husband did it.
    That's if you're talking about GCSE/A level marking.
  • You may be able to apply now for november resits and also January exams , they usually recruit months in advance of the exams.
  • Does anyone know how to become a SATS marker? Do you have to be a serving teacher? Can supply teachers do it?
  • Don't bother. You will earn more per hour stacking shelves at the local supermarket.
    A lot of the highly public problems with exam boards recently are because they do not pay enough to attract good people to marking.
  • that's scary....I thought it would be a fair earner.
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