30 Jan 2018

A question about : manual assessment at Jag/Land Rover

Hi, my 18 year old Son has the manual assessment at Jaguar Land Rover and I was wondering if anyone has done it and what he can expect, thanks in advance

Best answers:

  • There are two parts to the assessment, you can't really prepare for them, but I'll give you gist of what happens.
    One of the assessments will require you to place a cushion and magnets around the shell of the car, but you've have to do it in a certain order in a certain way and you will have to remove and place them several times. The only thing I can say is keep calm, pay attention to what the instructor says. He goes through what you have to do and someone shows you as well. Just pay attention and don't let anyone distract you.
    The second part is putting together a clutch pedal. Again the instructor goes through everything, all you have to do is follow what he does. Pay attention and if you don't understand ask. They give you gloves as well, they tell you to make sure they are snug fitting and they aren't lying. Wear the tightest possible as the clutch part is fiddly and I struggled a little because my glove weren't tight enough.
    In hindsight it is quite easy and the only thing that puts you back is nerves. Everyone is friendly enough and the other candidates were fine as well. They don't spring anything on you either, the above is all that happened. No questions etc.
    Hope this helped.
  • I don't have any advice, but wanted to say good luck to him.
    It will be a great opportunity for him!
  • Thank you to you both. He has had it and said it went well,. Any idea how long before you can expect to hear back ? Cheers.
  • Best of luck.
    I applied through Manpower and did my manual assesment
    over eight weeks ago now!
    The following day I received an email saying they'd
    call or email within 14 days.
    Haven't heard a thing and other people have got rejection e-mails.
    Perhaps they're busy or I was unsuitable.
    I wish they'd let me know either way so I can move on
    but its not looking good at the moment.
  • I attended manual assessments at JLR early April, and received an interview thanking me for participating and they would be in touch within 28 days. I know its only 2 weeks, but the waiting game is difficult. Has anyone who has done the interviews heard anything yet?
    Good luck to those who have done the assessments!
  • If only more employers did assessments like this, rather than a pointless interview which even if it is a competency based interview is often far removed from tasks involved with the actual work.
  • a bit of a heads up on the interview stage,if hopefully your son gets that far.they are putting a lot of interest on looking for people who can/have experience of working as part of a team.my son flew through his assesments and has been working as a mechanic for the last 2 years,but failed at the interview stage.he asked why he had been rejected,despite haveing done so well.and was told that it was because he was not seen as haveing previous experience of working as part of a team,depite him working daily with 4 other mechanics.the agent then went on to say that if he'd put down a hobby such as football or another team sport.he would most likely of got the job.lesson learnt.another thing i've also found out is that once employed,they then thin the new people down by about 25% dureing thier trail period.wish your son all the best.good luck
  • What other questions where asked at the interview? I have mine on tuesday and would'nt mind a little heads up.
  • Hi all
    Has anyone heard from Manpower after the manual assessment stage? Hubby done his manual over 3 weeks ago and has not heard nothing ! Haven't got high hopes after finding out yesterday more the 35000 applied for 1000 jobs! Still, would be nice to know the outcome.
    TIA Springchicken
  • Evening all, sat my online assessment 27th March, and then sat my manual assessment 20th April. Think i did quite well in both, i know i did very well in the psychometric tests as the chap from Manpower told me, and having sat many in the past i actually thought it was relatively easy to be fair.
    The manual assessment was not to bad either, the accessor whom watched me do the magnet test told me i was one of the fastest he has seen before. I completed the car spec test with time to spare (not much though) and completed the break assembley with 3 minutes to spare. Just playing the waiting game now i suppose...... :s
    Had an e-mail on Wednesday (25/4/12) just to say thanks for coming etc... and they will be in touch soon. How long have people been waiting for? i know some have been weeks, but has anyone heard back earlier? This is for the Halewood site btw.
    Many thanks for any and all replies.
  • Anyone know the best answers for the pedal box test, 5 ways to improve this process?
    I have mine on Tuesday.
  • Has anyone here actually got further than the online assessment who hasn't been recommended by a current employee?
    I completed the online test a few weeks back and received an email just over a month saying they will be in touch within 28 days due to the amount of applications.
    Having heard nothing within the 28 days I contacted them and was told my application hadn't been assessed yet if I hadn't heard either way even though they didn't ask for my details.
    Someone mentioned on another forum that they received an email a few mins after completing the online test stating they were unsuccessful . At least I didn't receive one which may be of some hope.
    Did anyone manage to complete the full 60 psychometric test questions within the time limit?
  • Hi, can anyone tell me if you are made to take a drug test at the manuel assessment? Got mine tomorrow but been to amastetdam lately so was just wondering.
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