11 Aug 2015

A question about : Making cards

Welcome to the Card Craft thread where there are many members who are new to card making as well as the more experienced members who love helping others out on their path to making cards. If you are new to this craft please do post and somebody will be along with some advice for you /

Please note this thread is now a continuation of an original thread on making cards - Part 1, the second thread - Part 2 , the third thread - Part 3, and the fourth thread here - Part 4, it may be a good idea to look these first for advice or ideas.

Best answers:

  • Woo Hoo!! First post on part 5!! Me!
  • 2nd post for me!!!
    Elysia - great service for the mat - hope you get it fast. I will be ordering when I get back as well!!!
    Just got back from Joanns as I had a few 50% vouchers touse up so thought I'd buy some dies for the bug. They had the Sizzix ones I wanted along with a Sizzix alphabet so they were nice and cheap!!!
  • Waves ~~~~~~~~~~
  • *waves back*
  • CT - just remembered! - blue oval (ish) button on the top.
  • Hi to everyone on the new thread. I'll try and keep up.
  • Right here's a brilliant excuse for me to get back into catching up again! Off to grab a cuppa and grab a chair
  • Anyone swapped ATC's please?
    I have joined the swap this month and would like to ask about the size and any rules I should know before I make my card.
    Is it a normal card with a fold?or is it a flat piece if card?Told you I'm a bit doo lally,its an aged thing,lol.
    Hugs to all on this jolly new thread.
  • Morning all!
    I made another three cards last night which I'm quite proud of, I'll be blogging them later once I figure out if they apply to any of this weeks challenges. I used the opportunity to use the owl backing paper I had in my stash though, so that should cover the owls challenge!
    I'm still waiting for a madaboutcards order from the 20th and getting quite impatient! I know they're busy, but if it doesn't come today/tomorrow it will be next week as the (awful) courier they use won't deliver on Saturday unless you pay them Ј11.95 on top of the delivery charge you already paid in the first place. Bah!
  • Lovely new thread, thanks savvy.
    CT - I love your cardmaking pressie idea, especially for girls. I might try that one! Well done on all your craft orders. I love your name cards too!
    Craftfaries - The Post Office will love you with all that mail!
    Myz - I think made things are alot better anyway. Normally alot more useful than the usual rubbish you get!
    Rusty - lots of hugs for you. Hope you start to feel better soon.
    PepPop - thanks for sharing the spoon theory. As you said, its very enlightening. It makes you realise how lucky you are to be healthy.
    Must get on. Hope everyone has a good day. xx
  • Mornin you chatty lot you just wanted to fill the first page of this shiny new thread lol.
    Nice day in Doncaster so we are off to York lol. Papermill shop first stop hope they have what I want, its been a bit rubbish lately!! Then a nice walk round the walls for some fresh air.
    CT Fab news on the orders. re your punch - I have a Xcut small flower and have just tried it on Bazzill swiss dots and it does cut but you have to press hard on the button so probably not the one for prolonged use. HTH
    Catch up later x
  • Morning all. Hope I make it on the first page of this lovely new thread!
    Rusty If you're reading I hope you feel better soon. Things have a way of piling up and sometimes we need a break, I needed one a few weeks ago and I don't have young children and a hubby working away. Hopefully you'll be on the up again soon. Sending you big hugs.
    Flourgirl How lovely to live near enough to York to pop out for the day. I've never been but have always wanted to.
    PONR I was just telling OH about all your crafting bargains and he wanted to know how you get it all back into this country without paying tax if you go over the limit (can't remember what it is but I know it isn't much). I told him you'd unpacked it all and used it by the time you're ready to come home so it wouldn't be new goods any more .
    Oh blast, just realised I can see any more of the thread now and forgot what I read on the other one, I closed it down when this one opened up!
    Poppy had her haircut and came back with it not too short. I know a couple of you have already seen it, thank you for your lovely comments. If anyone else wants to see it you can visit Poppy's place. Apparently she was very good for a first timer and didn't cry when we left her. That made me feel better as being retired there's always someone around so it was the first time she'd been completely away from us.
    Hope you all have a good day. We've got some sunshine after a foul day yesterday, and with the promise of a reasonable day I've put some towels in to wash. Hope I don't have to dodge showers as I want to put them on the line.
    Have a hug if you need one, have a hug even if you don't!
  • Thanks for the shiny new thread Savvy
    CT I'll keep my eyes posted for it - but honestly our mail is rubbish. I got a letter yesterday that was posted over a week ago. I think our postie can't be bothered climbing the stairs to the flat.
  • Artydoll If you're worried about the smallness of atc's do a fat page they are fab think it's 4 1/2" x 4" and you leave 1/2" with no decoration like this . You are allowed to do either or both if you fel ambitious.lol.
    I'm going to post the blog list up again in a sec then it'll be near the beginning as this thread fills up .
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