09 Aug 2015

A question about : Making Cards

Welcome to the Card Craft thread where there are many members who are new to card making as well as the more experienced members who love helping others out on their path to making cards. If you are new to this craft please do post and somebody will be along with some advice for you/

Please note this thread is now a continuation of an original thread on making cards - Part 1, and the second thread - Part 2 it may be a good idea to look these first for advice

Best answers:

  • Awh a nice new thread!
    Rusty hope your little one is feeling better soon.
    Rainmac not long for the craft fayre, You will be fine, everything you produce is stunning :-)
    Fab cards on everyone's blogs! x
  • Crikey hels, you were quick
    I'd only just come back to update the link in the A-Z and there you were!
  • Oooohhhhh new thread quick lets get crafting and fill it up.
  • New shiny thread.
    Not long now rainmac - I thought it was this weekend. You look after Elliot and the rest of us will craft - you can courier him to me when he's about 8 - them baby things are far too much hard work for me .
    He is very cute though .
    I get DD back later today - she'll be incredibly cranky as she won't have had anywhere near enough sleep - so will be tearing my hair out after a bit have finally made her bed up once I found it under cuddlies
  • Hels - thanks for posting up my card & saying nice things about it. How are the wedding plans going?
    Rusty - Hope your son is feeling better very soon.
    Melissa - you can put me on the rota for looking after Elliot (is that the right spelling?) Think I'm near enough to collect!! Seriously, get plenty of rest if you can.
    I overslept this morning, so feeling a bit sluggish - must get moving NOW! Housework to do, cards to make, etc etc......
  • Oh sorry missed that Rusty i hope your ds feels better soon xx
    Melissa I can do Elliot duty untill thursday but I am off on my hols after that for a week.
    I have had my sisters little tiny one twice since she was born as my sis has been in hosp. I didnt realise how scary a 5 day old baby can be when its not yours, such a responsibilty.
  • Oooooo a nice shiny new thread ... Savvy when you started this one did you find my mojo???
    Thankyou for all the get well wishes for my DS ... he is slowly getting worse he is refusing food and drink doctors this afternoon but I am pretty sure it is just a bug but receptionist at docs wanted me to take him down.
    So who is gonna post the first cards on here then??
    Melissa can I be added to the rota please lol
  • Rusty - Try getting him to sip lemonade let down with some boiled water if you have any. (lemonade that is!). The boiled water takes away the Fizz and yet it's a bit sweet. I do this with my DH (& he's worse than any child when he's poorly!)
    Ooh! Mumhug - Have a good holiday, where are you going? Is your sister Ok now? I hope so.
  • rainmac the postie has just been and thank you so much for my prize I am supposed to be packing but had to stop and have a look!
    the car is all fixed and we are off after lunch...sometime!
    rusty I hope your ds gets better soon
  • Mel, please can I have a go too? It'll be wonderful to hold a little chap after five girls.
  • Marg We are off to Cornwall for a week I will need it after packing for the 5 of us. My sister is on the mend now thank you for asking. She is very happy to be able to get on with being a mum.
    Rusty glad the email found you ok I am really sorry to hear that your ds is feeling worse. Good luck at the docs.
    I think I have lost my brain this week I made my challenge card and then posted it to Mel and forgot to take a pic so I guess I will have to miss it this time.
  • Hiya Ladies thankyou for the lovely welcome back
    Well you have all been super busy making lovely cards.
    Melissa Can i go on the rota too lol.
    Abusybee Is my sil and no she hasnt had her baby let but as soon as she does i will let you know. she was due last monday.
    Ive been just looking through my pics to see if i had any cards i could show you but there all for challenges but you can see them here if you want a nosy lol. https://paula-pollys.blogspot.com/ xxxx
  • ooh a new thread, feels strange being on page 1 instead of a hundred and something!!
    hope your DS gets better soon rusty, good luck for the Dr's
    the wife - 5 girls!!!! what on earth did you let yourself in for! If I ever have any I'd prefer boys I think, they seem like less trouble! lol
  • Hi girls. Couple of things - have any of you checked out the monthly comp on the Fiskarettes site? I haven't been entering as I thought you had to use Fiskars stuff but apparantly not and the organisers are worried that if they don't get more participants it will get pulled. Some great prizes each month.
    Also I wonder if you would be interested in what I've been making this week? I would think for you clever things you would be able to do it in card form? Have a peep at my blog it's my first ever tutorial so be gentle
  • Thank you for all of my lovely cards - I received some beautiful ones today from Rainmac, The_Wife and Mumhug, and I opened my cards that people had sent with my nappy cake and goodies - so big thanks as well to Jailhousebabe, flourgirl and Gemm!!! They are all so lovely and have pride of place on my shelf - I look very popular!!! I'll take some pics and put them on my blog so that I can thank you all properly.
    Whoopidoo - your clicker clacker is fabulous - I might try and give one of those a go!
    Rusty - sorry to hear your little one is sick - hope he recovers soon. I'll try and put a few more pics of Elliot on my blog tomorrow - I'll be busy though - my Mum and sister are coming up for the day!!
    Louby-Lou-Lou - how did your scan go today - is it a little boy or girl?????? I can't believe you're 20 wks already. Hope you're felling better after your crash.
    Paddingtondoo - fab cards on your blog - those bunnies are so cute!
    I'm in the middle of preparing a rota at the minute for little Elliot - I'll let you know when your time slot is!!!! He has behaved very well today and has had a few hours sleep - so I've managed to get a bit of sorting done!
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