26 May 2017

A question about : Madeleine's Fund : Leaving No Stone Unturned

I think we have all heard about the events of the poor McCann family, here is were you can help.

Offical fund raising site :- https://www.findmadeleine.com/

Taken from : - https://news.sky.com/skynews/article/...266028,00.html

I wish them all well.

Best answers:

  • this is so heartbreaking,I know how I feel God knows how they are coping with it.
  • Please can someone explain to me why Madeleine's family need money to help find her?
    I sincerely hope that Madeleine will be found safe & well, but I just don't understand this appeal for money.
    I may be making some assumptions here but what expenses do they have?
    I can't imagine that Mark Warner are charging them (or their family) to stay at the resort. They may be paying for food/drink but they'd be paying for that at home anyway.
    It's been two weeks but they probably haven't even missed a payday yet. I can't imagine that their employers aren't paying them.
    Legal fees? What legal fees? Legal fees to set up a fighting fund to pay the legal fees? Anyway, aren't legal fees covered by holiday insurance?
    Both parents are said to be doctors so I would imagine they are both on good salaries. This doesn't seem to be an impoverished family.
    The British police won't be charging for their time/services. Do the Portugese police charge? Somehow I doubt it.
    I just don't get it.
  • I have to agree with chas, i thought it was going to be a fund raiser for missing children/people, in her name.
  • Im sorry, but i just wonder, if this had been a single mom/dad, who's child was taken, due to their leaving the child on its own, would there be a fund for her/him? somehow i doubt it!!
    While i do hope she is found, its looking unlikely, im afraid.
  • This is a white middle class story. It appeals to white middle class people. That's why it is being hyped by the press.
    Very, very sad, but I am sure there is a lot of other children in very bad situations everywhere.
    I did hear that the money would be used for other similar situations? The last similar situation was Ben Needham back in the early nineties!
  • The family has even been to see MPs today:
  • This is a great Media story, tugs on the heartstrings like Pricess Diana's death 10 years ago. Just wait, give it a couple of months and the same media will be 'digging up the dirt' on the family, saying what bad parents they were.
  • Thank you all for your comments and I totally respect your view and opinions.
    In some ways I agree with you. Being a parent myself I can totally understand why they are doing what ever it takes to find their daughter and I'm sure you would do, parent or not.
    Lets not use this thread to voice are opinions on the event that has unfortunately now happened and focus and those you want to help now being able to so.
    If you prefer to spend a message of support you can do so do using the address given by MSE Archna https://www.bringmadeleinehome.com/ that she posted here.
  • tbh they should be rasing money to file a lawsuit against the parents, i cant belive no-one has pulled them up about this?
    i know for a fact that if i had gone to the shop and someone broke in and took one of my kids i would be facing jail now for neglect.
    why should they be any different?? oh wait, there doctors arnt they and above all this.
  • I do agree - although it saddens me that other people really don't see any wrong in what they did
    Let hope she is found safe and sound - its not her fault, it just breaks my heart to thing of the little girl, even if she is alive or not, and where she may be now. Just because the parents couldn't be bothered to look after their own kids while they went out for the evening
  • The OP started this thread in an attempt to raise awareness of the website the family have set up. Though I think the entire country is by now fully aware of it's existence.
    Comments over the rights and wrongs of this case, especially an opinion expressed by mystic_trev, aren't helpful or plesant to read for that matter.
    If any mods are reading I think this thread should be locked as was a previous one on this topic.
  • ..........and what about these people and there son. How does everybody think they are feeling.
    How much financial support and help did they get?
  • The so called "Team McCann" are forgetting exactly who's fault it is this little girl is missing, her parent left both her and her 2yr old twin brother and sister in a strange apartment for the night, with the door open to allow them to go for a meal and a drink, this is Neglet, if children were left alone in the UK for parents to go out for the night, the children would be removed from the home, or does this not apply to Doctors. This little girls is suffering due to her parents prefering a meal rather than an evening in with there children. Most if not ALL parents would have remorgaged there homes to supply funds to look for there child, what makes this pair of unfot parents so different they have to set up a fund? Why the PR rep, this is NOT a reality tv show, but sadly a little girls life.
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