28 Jun 2016

A question about : lpg cost per m3, unpressurised.

Can any body please give me some market prices for LPG unpressurised per cubic metre?


Best answers:

  • I'm not going to work it out for you - but one volume of liquified LPG will produce about 250 volumes of the gaseous form. One kilo of LP is 1.96 litres.
  • Thats really useful help.
    Meter measures unpressurised volume, so thats why I asked.
    No idea what the pressurised price is, no idea whats expensive or cheap.
  • Since you can't buy in unpressurised form, what are the prices posters quote on the "bulk lpg" thread.
    in ppl, pence per litre?
  • Yep - that's the one.
  • We have a meter on our LPG supply
    I asked Avanti, our supplier this ....
    .... house is metered with a Azbil Kimmon SK25 like one of theses on this website
    and they replied thus ...
    Good Afternoon Mr B,
    Assuming that the meter is M3 the converting co-efficient is 3.85. Therefore the number of units used multiplied by 3.85 equals the numbers of litres used.
    I hope this information is of assistance
    Kind Regards
    A B
    Avanti Gas Limited
  • Surely if your multiplying by 3.85 then the meter is measuring pressurised volume, that can't be right can it?
    oh well still none the wiser now, whats a good price whats a bad price, how much is being used...
  • A price litre as in "a litre of liquefied gas" - that's how it's sold.
  • As regards the response from Avanti - your meter measures cubic metres of lpg in gaseous form - not litres. As I posted earlier on - one volume of liquefied gas will produce about 250 volumes of gaseous gas. So to produce a cubic metre - 1000 litres - you'd need around 4 litres of the liquid form.
    The conversion factor they mentioned is a bit different at 3.85 - but ballpark. I just found the conversion from a quick net search. So - your meter measures 10m3 for example - multiply that by 3.85 and you get 38.5 - which is the number of litres of liquid gas that's been used to produce the 10m3 of gaseous gas.
    If you're buying lpg - the only figure you need to be concerned with is the price per litre as that's how it's sold and measured.
  • So if you buy at say 40ppl how much would 1m3 unpressurised cost?
    this seems so stupid from my point of veiw but im actually getting a little bit confused.
    the way my bill is made out does not make sense to me, I might be wrong but can anyone poi t me to a place where some one can help me with calrification?
  • I don't really see where you're getting confused.
    Your meter measures gas by the cubic metre of gaseous gas. So if you use 10 cubic metres of unpressurised gas - your meter will say "10"
    Avanti have told you that the conversion factor is 3.85. So you multiply the "10" by 3.85 and come up with 38.5 That's how many litres of liquid gas you've used to make the 10 cubic metres of unpressurised gas.
    I don't really see why you need to know the price of 1m3 of unpressurised gas, as it's not sold that way. But if you really need to know then refer to the Avanti email again.
  • Yes, the confusion arises because I have a different presentation of the information, which appears to be incorrect.
    I got all the information i could from the internet, put it together, doing the calculation it turned out different to the other calculation.
    Thanks to all for the help and clarifications... not doubting myself now.
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