13 May 2018

A question about : Looking for part-time work on saturdays


I am looking for a part-time work on saturdays. I already have been on the jobcentre website and stuff like reed, jobsite, etc and the likes but cant find anything.

Any advice?

Best answers:

  • Whenever I've wanted/needed a Saturday jobs, I've literally walked the streets - knocked on shop doors, etc.
    It depends on what work you're looking for. Some cleaning companies may have Saturday work. Shops are probably the best bet, atlhough they'll be inundated with students. I've worked in fruit shops, a chip shop, a cafe, an ex serviceman's club behind the bar, and I've cleaned toilets - all on Saturdays.
  • Hiya
    I work in a shop and Saturdays for us are one of the hardest days to get staff for. Supermarkets are well worth looking into especially as most give staff discount to.
  • I would just take a stroll in a shopping centre with a handful of CVs hopefully by the end of the week, you'd get a fone call at least.
    depending on the area you live in aswell, which area is it?
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