27 Mar 2016

A question about : Large Employer/No Autoenrollment?

I'm just about to start work for a large private healthcare company as a nurse and thought there would be some kind of company pension scheme but it appears otherwise as my contract specifically says that there is no employer pension scheme and the employer pays no contributions, only that they will provide details of a stakeholder pension should I so wish.

I thought large companies had to auto enrol you into a company pension scheme and pay contributions from May 2013?

To be honest some of the other terms and conditions are awful too (statutory sick pay only, bare minimum amount of leave etc).

How are they getting around this? I'm employed by the company directly and not through an agency, and my contract specifically mentions that my employment is with the head office in the city of London so it's not like they can claim I'm employed directly by the home and not as part of a large organisation.

Any ideas?

Best answers:

  • The date for auto enrolement varies based on many factors. Try the calculator below to check:
  • Using the calculator and going by the employer's own stated number of employees (nearly 4000) auto enrolment should've been in place by July 1st 2013 at the latest but my contract specifically states no company pension or employer contributions.
  • https://www.thepensionsregulator.gov....ain-steps.aspx
    "What happens if my business does not comply with Automatic Enrolment?
    Your company will deemed to be acting unlawfully and there are a number of actions that can be taken, including for more serious prolonged and repeated breaches a fine payable for each day that you are non-compliant."
    You need to check with HR at your new company?
  • Using the calculator provided by jm2926, if you're a carer:
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