21 Jan 2018

A question about : jobseeking help

I am trying to change jobs from working with adults who have learning disabilities to working in a contact centre, answering calls, resoponding to e-mails and letters. I have worked with my present employer for 10 years and I am a bit nervous completing an application form. Basically they are asking me to explain why I think I might be suited to the post. Now call me stupid but I am really nervous as to what I should be writing. Because I am coming from a totally different environment I feel I need a little encouragement and support and I write to ask if anyone could offer ideas as to what the employer might be looking for.

Best answers:

  • Hi, I am on a course called Ability First, run by the Oaklea Trust, referred through the Shaw Trust, details of which I received from my Incapacity Benefit Advisor. The course helps people in many ways, and answers questions such as yours above. I would suspect my course leader would ask you whether the job advert had a description of qualities or skills required, in which case, you could target those items in your application. Such as, if they said you should have good communication skills, then fill your form in giving examples of how your good communication skills have been used in your previous post. That sort of thing?
  • Jeryth is right, what he is talking about is called "transferable skills".
    So you have to sell the idea to the prospective employer that your 10 years of work experience is easily transfered over to the job description they have written.
    So if they ask for "team work" as most call centre work is office based in amongst people - you could suggest that having spent the last 10 years working with Adults with learning difficulties you have become adept at working within the team envirionment.
    You will also have the ability to empathise with people - and having worked myself within a call centre dealing with people over the telephone etc it is a key skill to be able empathise with the customer and present a helpful attitude to those calling.
    Call Centre work is a people focused job and for the last 10 years you have been working within one of the most people focused environments that exists - you will have had to deal on a day to day basis with people from all cultures and social sectors. You have the ability to create instant rapport with people and you have the abilty to diffuse situations of conflict and win peoples trust.
    If you are concerned about the fact that you may not have been involved in working on computers on a daily basis - you could emphasis the point that in a personal capacity you have gained excellent computer skills (for example you could say that you are a regular trader on ebay and have to deal with your customers via email, telephone etc.) Do not feel that you cannot include information such as this as it gives your prospective employer the confidence that you have experience of using PC's etc.
    I am a Sales Person and the only reason I can do what I do is because I have to believe that I can - if you can keep positive about yourself then you will suceed in your applications.
    Do not be afraid of anything - Should you get to interview stage remember everything is a strength!!!!
    Even the fact that you have no direct experience in the work you are applying to do is a strength - why? - because you will be able to bring a positive / fresh approach to the work that you will be doing.
    I have had a rough year this year myself - I was made redundant from my dream job as a National Sales Manager for a British Manufacturer last Xmas and have not found the right job at all - I recently applied for an excellent job - which I should have got as I was a direct match for it - I got to third interview stage and have just found out that I have not been sucessful - Why? Because I have let all the negative things in life get to me and therefore was blinded by negativity when it came to selling myself - Do not let this happen to you - trust me - believe in yourself and be positive 100% and you will be a winner. I have never got to third interview stage and failed in my life before and I am not going to let it happen again ( this is the attitude you have to adopt!) Dont let anyone put you off your dream of changing your career.
    Be positive, don't let knockbacks put you off.
    Good luck with you applications and sorry for the long message!!
  • Please do not apologise for the post. It was really helpful and most appreciated. thankyou
  • The Nickster - you are right in what you say, sadly there are not enough good jobs to go around - and if you look around at the news there are jobs cuts all over the place - just look at the 3k jobs going at the BBC - it sure is a sad affair, it is even worse elsewhere in europe - hence the economic migration of many young people from Eastern Europe and Portugal etc. I personally think unemployment will get worse here sooner or later - both me and my partner have been made redundant with company's going bust in the last 5 years and we live in the supposedly wealthy south - goodness knows it must be worse if you are in the North or Scotland.
    I sure don't want anyone to feel disillusioned or get there hopes high, yes you have to be realistic - my dream is to apply my sales and infulencing skills into working as a campaign manager for a Eco charity - now I know I have a very remote chance (as all of my skills are vocational and I don't have a degree), I am realistic about my chances of getting a post like this but, it still doesnt stop me checking out the Guardian website and applying - yes I have never got to interview stage with my applicactions - but should I ever get there I am going to go in there with a winning attitude, and for as long as I am in that interview I will have all the self belief I can muster. I will only bring myself "down to earth" when I am out of that room and I will then remind myself that I have a remote chance and not to mortgage my life on this.
    So many people have brilliant talents but are not confident in themselves enough to sell themselves well at interview - So the real message I was trying to deliver is : Don't be afraid to believe in yourself
    But always remember no one is a failure and some jobs may seem great, but sometimes they all have their negative points too. My Dad earns a third of what I can earn and he works a damn lot harder as a gardener in all weathers with long hours and I can honestly say he has a happier life than me - Bless him.
    Having been involved in Trade Unions from my time as a civil servant - I sure wish that all jobs had high quality man managers, good/positive working conditions and a living wage - I can tell you, I am only 30 years old and we are a long way off - if we were anywhere close to it I would be out in all seasons Gardening in Norfolk with my dad!
    Good Luck to all of the Money Savers who are looking for a change in direction.
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